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  1. 3girls2dogs

    So You Think You Can Dance!

    They were in the bottom three. What do you mean they weren't in the bottom?
  2. 3girls2dogs

    Any Moonlight fans?

    The show has been cancelled.
  3. 3girls2dogs

    How did you name your kids?

    I just picked names I liked. My youngest was supposed to be a boy. At least the doctor kept telling us she was a boy. So my husband wanted a junior, so she was supposed to be Sean. When she came out and was a girl, we just named her Shauna.
  4. 3girls2dogs

    Stare at me. I look young and have three kids.

    I get the opposite. I have three girls, and I get the trying for a boy thing all the time.
  5. 3girls2dogs

    So You Think You Can Dance!

    I haven't watched all of both shows yet, but I have to say, that boy with Down's Syndrome made me cry. I wish I were as brave as he is.
  6. 3girls2dogs

    Stare at me. I look young and have three kids.

    I get the same thing when people find out my oldest daughter is 18. I get "Were you a teenager when you had her?". I wasn't, I was 21, but I honestly think the freckles throw people off. I am always mistaken for being younger than I am.
  7. 3girls2dogs

    the military has become last in christianforums

    I noticed, but I figured, hey, someone has to be last, so why worry. :)
  8. 3girls2dogs

    Did you choose to become pregnant?

    We did not actively choose to become pregnant. According to my doctor, my 10 year old is a result of a very bad virus that apparently caused me to vomit up more of my BC than I could spare. However, we were thrilled when we found out. My children are all gifts.
  9. 3girls2dogs

    How have you cut back due to high gas and food prices?

    We have always been bargain shoppers, so not much there, but I do find we go out to dinner or just wandering around to kill time less often. We do things at home together more, so it actually worked out nice. We have always carpooled to work. We have to drive from AZ to NC in June, so we are...
  10. 3girls2dogs


    So not what I thought this was going to be about. an H2 luxury is about $64,000 and an H3 is about $35,000 which isn't much more than we paid for our loaded Expedition. As far as usage, I don't go off-roading, I admit, but it is used to its other fullest potentials. Besides, I like it...
  11. 3girls2dogs

    What are YOU currently reading? (5)

    The Art of Racing In The Rain by Garth Stein.
  12. 3girls2dogs

    Read this sad lady's view of motherhood

    They're not easy. I don't think people should pretend they are, but that isn't what she (the author of the article) is saying. She is saying parenthood is a worthless nightmare of an undertaking, and that isn't the truth. It may not be for everyone, and I certainly respect anyone's right to...
  13. 3girls2dogs

    The cost of repealing blue laws

    *thinks back to the many packy runs to New Hampshire on Sundays* I always thought the blue law was the stupidest law in Massachusetts. That and the no tattoo shops, but they repealed that one.
  14. 3girls2dogs

    Read this sad lady's view of motherhood

    Clearly, God does not want me in this thread, because every time I type a long and thought out response, the stupid system logs me out. I'm just going to keep this short, then. I don't see one word of warning in her article. I see nothing but anger and resentment, not one kind word towards...
  15. 3girls2dogs

    Movie: Juno--Strong pro life message

    I'm saving this for the drive out to North Carolina. My hubby won't watch it, and it will kill a couple of hours in the car. I'm really dying to see it, though.
  16. 3girls2dogs

    Read this sad lady's view of motherhood

    Ugh...I just had this whole thing typed out and I lost it cuz I got logged out. :mad: Anyway, to make a long story short, I disagree with her completely.
  17. 3girls2dogs

    Are gender-specific bathrooms 'discriminating'?

    I don't know, Shannon, it may be all grand for your family, but not everyone is the same, and not everyone is all interested in dealing with it. My husband knows I get my period, but it grosses him out just the same. He lives in a house full of females, and he hates the bathroom part of it...
  18. 3girls2dogs

    Are gender-specific bathrooms 'discriminating'?

    Amen :thumbsup: The fact of the matter is that women use bathrooms for more than just a place to pee. I don't want to go in there and have a guy making fun of me (or complaining at me) for fixing my makeup or giving me the rolled eyes if I am in there crying out a bad period for a minute or...
  19. 3girls2dogs

    House falls?

    It wasn't Cameron that tested positive for Huntington's, it was Thirteen.
  20. 3girls2dogs

    wedding questions

    How much was spent on the engagement ring? Nothing. I didn't have one. How long were you together before being engaged? was more of an agreement. This was before I came back to Christ, and I got pregnant. So we decided to get married. We were together about 9 months when I got...