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  1. W

    Is Caturday Ethical and Moral (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Is Caturday Ethical and Moral"
  2. W

    Sex-dampening meds This website has an article that states that rape fantasies are quite common. I don't know why I should have to prove this self-evident fact, but if you insist . . .
  3. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    Despite the fact, of course, that what gay people on this site do in the privacy of their own beds is ALWAYS YOUR CONCERN.
  4. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    Christian, I did not make that claim. That claim has been supported by numerous social science researchers over the years. I'm glad you don't speak for me either. You show neither logic nnor knowledge.
  5. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    Yet, conveniently here, God's desires seem to have no conflict with your, er, own. I still don't see how a medicine which doesn't harm you and helps you control your sex drive is not mandated by God, at least for all unmarried Christians.
  6. W

    Elimination of sexual reproduction and Christianity

    Example argument: The purpose of sex is to have children> Gays can't have children. Therefore they should not be allowed to get married. Comeone, chaz, you haven't heard that argument?
  7. W

    Elimination of sexual reproduction and Christianity

    Despite the fact that the exact oppossite argument is used by the Christian Right against gay people.
  8. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    From what I can see CC, you are eating an awful lot more herring than the rest of us. Could you also please respond in grammatically logical sentences? I say other conclusions are impossible because I know of no one who keeps total control of their sexual thought life. And lets be honest...
  9. W

    Elimination of sexual reproduction and Christianity

    Plus, without any sex drive, there would be a much higher chance that all pregnancies were planned and wanted.
  10. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    Only in your own mind
  11. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    What the heck do you mean by pressing forward.. You have A option) Don't take the meds, sin and B option) Take the meds and don't sin at all, or sin very, very seldomly. God has commanded you not to sin at any possible cost, but you choose A and then excuse it on the basis (said pantingly) "Oh...
  12. W

    Elimination of sexual reproduction and Christianity

    A related topic to my sex-dampening threads. Theoretically, if we could get rid of the sex drive of all humans and reproduce exclusively by cloning or artificial insemination (without hurting any embryos or fetuses) wouldn't this be more moral, by a Christian standard, then living in a world...
  13. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    True. My point is is that such meds, if Christians are to be consistent, are not only reccommended but required in the light of scripture. At least if one is approaching the bible from a literalist perspective.
  14. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    So is your own thought life totally pure?
  15. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    I'm not dragging you into my life. But you know CC, that you do not have a perfect thought life. It is physiologically impossible for you to have one. I don't need to know you to know that. And I'm not basing that comparison on my life, but the lives of the literallly-hundreds of Christian men...
  16. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    You're still not answering the question. Our primary duty, according to Christianity, is to obey God. It does not matter whether we are using a "quick fix" or not - if that fix can stop us from sinning, we should use it, as long as it is not a sin itself. And my whole point is that it is utterly...
  17. W

    Children, Worldview education, and the Culture War

    I opposse public school indoctrination too, when it actually is indoctrination.
  18. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    Of course women do. But its generally not Christian women who are cheating on their mates, or looking at porn, etc., at least in my experience. And I don't want to hold Christian women up to this standard, since Christian men already have such ridicilous expectations of their enslaved Vestal...
  19. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    CC, do you honestly know of any Christian male who does not fantasize sexually about women? I don't, and I was far far more sexually repressed than any other evangelical male I knew. I get nothing from the verses you quote. God can help you till heaven comes home, but if you're not willing to...
  20. W

    Sex-dampening meds

    Realistically, though, most men never fully control their sex urges. You know that, I know that. If these meds can keep men from fantasizing at all, isn't it biblically mandated for men to use whatever method neccessary to prevent them from sinning?