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  1. Burn The Ships

    It Went Great!!

    It was super nice meeting up with everyone again! I got to talk to a friend from our church writing group. It's been online for a long time. I miss everyone <\3 The church was crowded because of Mother's Day and no one wore masks. That bothered me a bit but it's alright. Jesus first forever and...
  2. Burn The Ships


    Daily has clearly not happened here O.o that's alright though. I have journals I use outside of here too. so it's Mother's Day today!! I got up early and showered and was ready before anyone else was up. And Im going to church with my Aunt and Grandma today! I've had a lot of not so nice...
  3. Burn The Ships

    Day One

    Hey readers (if there is anyone out there...) Its nice of you to stop by. I hope you find encouragement in the pages of this blog. If not, you can find it somewhere. Just keep looking :) Anyhoo... Here's today's entry. My Oma is in the hospital- has been since this morning. She has heart...
  4. Burn The Ships

    Daily Journal

    That's the goal anyways. I think journaling every day will really help- especially when focusing on a positive viewpoint. That's what this journal is here for :)