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  1. the last child

    Some Thoughts: Is The Pursuit Of Joy Required For Salvation And Obedience To Jesus?

    I do not believe that emotions—not even the emotion of joy—is to be the object of our pursuit of God. The Bible is clear that the heart—the seat of our emotional being—is desperately wicked and “sick.” Our emotions are shaped by our experiences in life—our past experiences. How one person...
  2. the last child

    Please Bring Cookies...

    Just some thoughts on various topics. I love Jesus. I love people and children. Notice children are not people. They are a special separate species. I love people's stories, especially the "whys" behind their present day pictures. I love studying Scripture and connecting dots of knowledge...
  3. the last child

    A Daydream In Heaven...

    Last night I daydreamed about my future in heaven. I dreamed the Father loved me and all His orphans so much that He built a beautiful courtyard garden in His temple. This garden was massive, peaceful, and lush. Impossibly tall waterfalls crowned with beautiful rainbows and breathtaking blooms...
  4. the last child

    When She Left...

    Hello friend. I have not heard from u in a while. I can only assume it’s because u r so busy with ur new ministry, but I pray for u every time He whispers ur name across my heart. My daughter packed her bags last night and announced she was leaving home. It was like wading thru another...
  5. the last child

    The Last Child

    The sun shone brightly. Children of all ages milled around him, laughing and shouting. Today was the big day. The last day. After today, there would be no more. The village had been all but abandoned. Crumbling buildings and broken glass, a few empty cans were all that was left to remind them of...