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  1. SnowyMacie

    What It's Like For A Transperson To Start Hormones

    I made a series of three blog posts back in August before I left this website suddenly. I wanted to make one last post because I only feel like it was a big part of my life for so long that before I come publicly out, I want to be out completely. Some of you already know, but I am a transgender...
  2. SnowyMacie

    The Great Gender Blog Series 4: Looking Beyond The Culture Wars

    Hi, thank you for your interest in my blog! Please take a few moments to read the previous parts of this blog series, this is not a standalone blog post. Thank you and I hope you learn something! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (Not as vital for this post, but if you want to know more specifically about...
  3. SnowyMacie

    The Great Gender Blog Series 3: Transgender People And The Church

    Hi, thank you for your interest in my blog! Please take a few moments to read the previous parts of this blog series, this is not a standalone blog post. Thank you and I hope you learn something! Part 1 The Great Gender Blog Series 2: Gender Dysphoria, Transgender, Transsexual | Christian...
  4. SnowyMacie

    The Great Gender Blog Series 2: Gender Dysphoria, Transgender, Transsexual

    In light of recent events regarding President Trump's tweet regarding transgender individuals and the military, I decided go on and make the second post in my blog series. Before you read this blog, please read part 1, there is a lot of important information vocabulary. You may find it here...
  5. SnowyMacie

    The Great Gender Blog Series 1: The Basics

    Unless you live under a rock, you've probably heard about all of the controversy surrounding restrooms and who can use which one. It's just another battle in this seemingly endless culture war that has has a lot of soundbites and reactive rhetoric passed around. When this is the case, it's often...
  6. SnowyMacie

    The Law Of Love

    I remember sitting in Life and Teachings of Jesus in college, and a guest professor for the day asked the question to a group of students "What is the most important command in all of scripture?" There were several different responses from everything including the first commandment to the "Great...
  7. SnowyMacie

    Circumference Of Affection

    Last fall, I saw on Facebook my old mentor gave a chapel talk at my alma mater. He told the story of what he described as one of the dumbest ideas he had as department chair. In affect to bring visible things that go behind the scenes, he brought up the idea for the staff to once a week clean...
  8. SnowyMacie

    Why I Stopped Debating

    There was one time I made a thread as a progressive that basically an AMA about my views and perspectives, and it received very little response or interest. After I commented on this, I remember hearing a former poster said the following, "There is a subversion of conservatives and...
  9. SnowyMacie

    Personal Ramblings

    Weekly-ish posts about random topics, mostly theology since this is a Christian forum and all. It's pretty much just whatever is on my mind.
  10. SnowyMacie

    A Universalist's Parable

    One day there was three men who had died, and were waiting judgment from God. The first man to go in had been an atheist his entire life and was confused why he felt even more alive after dying, he was led into the Throne room where upon immediately seeing God, fell to his knees out of pure...