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  1. Bamboo_Chicken

    29th May 2008

    I haven't blogged in here in ages! I guess I still don't really have much to say, except that when I read through all I wrote here, I never guessed where I'd end up a year later. I can't believe all that's happened! Will all of life be this surprising and amazing?
  2. Bamboo_Chicken

    3rd January 2008

    I'll be away with my family (and no internet connection) from the 4th until the 18th of January. If you send me a message during that time, have some patience in waiting for a reply ;).
  3. Bamboo_Chicken

    Sand in my shoes - 8th December 2007

    Think of Me – Mark Shultz Packing my bags this morning Was the hardest thing to do But packing my bags was so easy Compared to standing outside your door right now to say goodbye to you Think of me I know you've never seen me cry Think of me But it's so hard to say goodbye...
  4. Bamboo_Chicken

    22nd August 2007

    It’s been raining onto the earth and onto people’s lives, and often when it rains around here, if floods. Things start off ‘spitting’: drops of rain falling on the car windshield, not yet wet enough to turn the wipers on, but distracting enough that you wish it would stop. As I’m driving, I come...
  5. Bamboo_Chicken

    27th June 2007

    It seems all I'm doing of recent is posting away notices! Oh well, here's the next one. I'm going to be away running camps from June 28th - July 1st and July 5th - July 13th. See you all when I get back.
  6. Bamboo_Chicken

    Away 21-22 - 20th June 2007

    I'm driving to an outback town to organise my mission trip for mid-July. I won't have any internet connection, but will hopefully be back again by Friday night (assuming we're not flooded in somewhere :D). See you all later :wave:.
  7. Bamboo_Chicken

    We have power!!! - 11th June 2007

    Well, the power's back on at home and we've done really well when I look at the damage other families are facing. On Saturday I'm told there were fish swimming down the main roads and cars were floating away. My area was surrounded by 1.5m wide fallen trees...and while a lot of them landed on...
  8. Bamboo_Chicken

    10th June 2007

    I'm going to be away for a bit. We've been hit with some pretty bad storms - enough that my region has been declared a natural disaster zone. It's looking like we're not going to have any power (or hot water!) for the next 5-6 days. See you all sometime!
  9. Bamboo_Chicken

    3rd June 2007

    I know I've said it before, but I see little on this earth that is more honest than a child's smile. In church this morning there was a father sitting in front of me with his three daughters. It was Trinity Sunday today, and so the sermon was on images of God and how/where we see God. All I...
  10. Bamboo_Chicken

    20th May 2007

    I was going through my sayings book and found this :). Watch your thoughts; They become words. Watch your words; They become actions. Watch your actions; They become habits. Watch your habits; They become character. Watch your character; It becomes destiny. What will you say to...
  11. Bamboo_Chicken

    20th May 2007

    I used to ask myself how it was that we could fight so much over small differences in doctrine. How it was that in a faith built on grace, love and redemption, such hatred and hurt could ensue. I heard a saying once that said if Christians could act as selflessly as their Christ, the entire of...
  12. Bamboo_Chicken

    14th May 2007

    I walked into the chemist today to buy some antiseptic cream for my sister who's managed to give herself a few blisters playing soccer. So I walk in and ask one of the ladies where I might find the cream - she takes me over to one side of the store where, sure enough, it's sitting on the shelf...
  13. Bamboo_Chicken

    Storms of Life - 3rd May 2007

    I found this in my piles of devotionals today and thought I'd share it here :). STORMS OF LIFE When storms of life are raging and doubt reaches my way, remind me of Your love, Lord, to keep my fears at bay. When all I see is failure and mountains, hard to climb, just whisper in my...
  14. Bamboo_Chicken

    Such a failure? - 26th March 2007

    Whoever came up with the idea of ‘failure’ should be a very rich person indeed. It sits there in the back of our minds. The determining factor of many decisions. If I don’t get 90%, I’m a failure. I have to handle being this involved in things, because if I can’t, I’m a failure. I can’t...
  15. Bamboo_Chicken

    9th March 2007

    Someone told me a random fact today...mosquitoes are more attracted to people who have eaten bananas. I find this rather, because I love bananas, and two, my university is full of mosquitoes. Oh woe is me :cry:.
  16. Bamboo_Chicken

    Dance of the Snowflakes - 29th January 2007

    It sounds a little like a piece of music, doesn’t it? Or maybe a yoga move? Whatever it is though, it struck me as the snow began to fall last week. Giant flakes that each seemed to have their own characters and even though each was tossed about by the gusts of winds that seemed to come...
  17. Bamboo_Chicken

    Krystal Meyers - The Beauty Of Grace - 28th December 2006

    Everywhere I look I see pain and suffering. People hurting because sin has changed our world to “me first”. I actually read a sticker not so long ago that said, “If everybody thinks about themselves, no one will be forgotten,” and while it made me laugh, it seems to hold more truth than I first...
  18. Bamboo_Chicken

    13th December 2006

    I'll be gone for the next few days as I finish packing and then fly to Germany. I'll be back online when I get the internet again, although I'm not sure exactly when that will be (3 days, maybe 4). See you all on the other side of the world :wave:.
  19. Bamboo_Chicken

    2nd December 2006

    I went and saw The Devil Wears Prada tonight and I found the underlying story very confrontational…what will we sacrifice to get ahead in rat race? I think we’ve all done it – we’ve all trodden on someone just to be able to take that extra step towards ‘success’. But is it worth it? Tonight I...
  20. Bamboo_Chicken

    20th November 2006

    Now I'll be the first to admit that I've done some stupid stuff during my life, but I think I need to highlight the two most recent because me during exam period is just...:doh:. Two weeks ago I was sitting in my car doing some last minute study before my extension history exam when my friend...