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  1. Angelbug


    Because... Because He emptied Himself of all but love, . . . you can be filled. Because His body was broken, . . . your life can be whole. Because His blood was shed, . . . your sins can be forgiven. Because He submitted to injustice, . . . you can forgive. Because He...
  2. Angelbug

    Dont Worry Copyright Angelbug 2008

    DON´T WORRY To worry does no good at all, But does a lot of harm; It puts cross lines upon your face, and dissipates your charm. Whatever is to be, will be; That, worry cannot change; It only serves to dim your joy, And all your firends estrange. 'Tis lack of confidence...
  3. Angelbug

    Message from a mom to her child.

    I gave you life, but cannot live it for you. I can give you directions, but I cannot be there to lead you. I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe. I can buy you beautiful clothes, but I cannot make you beautiful inside. I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you. I can...
  4. Angelbug

    The Price He Paid

    The Price Was Paid "My God, My God!" He cried aloud. Below His mother stood in the crowd. The sky grew dark; the earth did quake. The world didn't see their own mistake. The nails that held His hands and feet To that cruel cross brought love so sweet. The blood that came from His pierced...
  5. Angelbug

    Angel Bugs Poems.

    A Straying Lamb The Shepherd loved His little lamb, And gave it His tender care... And followed it with His loving eyes As it wandered here and there And as He sat by His grazing flock Who so meekly His voice obeyed, He pondered sadly His little lamb As again and again it strayed...
  6. Angelbug

    's Blog