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  1. MyLordIsMyLife


    This is a reflection I wrote on June 3, 2011 in a message to a friend. O Holy Spirit, Sweet Lord, when You inflame me to begin contemplating what You do in my life, there's nothing to stop me from outpouring everything! Praise You Sweet Fire of Love. I adore You...
  2. MyLordIsMyLife

    My God Jesus...

    My Jesus, You are the only Lord of hearts, the King of love, the God of life...and so I run to You again tonight desperate, desolate, empty, yearning only for a miracle for my dear friend's cousin...she is hanging by a thread my Lord and only You can restore her my Lord! the family's hearts are...
  3. MyLordIsMyLife


    O Heart most merciful and beautiful, Heart of Jesus, Heart of Love! I come running to You! I need You tonight my Savior! My heart is hurting, my Savior...O Jesus, my most beloved friends are hurting...Christ, cancer has stricken two and one is ailing of blood clots in the brain and all their...
  4. MyLordIsMyLife

    Mother Dearest!

    Mother Mary is so sweet and loving- none but the Blessed Trinity is more beautiful! Hail Mary, Sweetest Lady, Mother of God and our Mother! I pray you join my heart to your Sorrowful Heart! I take refuge in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thank You O Father for choosing so sweet and loving a...
  5. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 6 June 2009

    Sweet Heart of Jesus, only source of life and love, I hail You, and inflamed with love I ray one day the whole world will hail and adore You. O my Lord's Heart, You alone are the ever-faithful source of help for all who sorrow. The fire of love that burns within You is light that You graciously...
  6. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 27 Dec 2008

    Today my sweet Jesus came into my heart- which was open for Him because He is my only true Lord. I mean to say, He's always in my heart, but today I felt Him there specially. In my mind's eye I pictured my Lord standing in the clouds that were in my heart, His light shining right through them...
  7. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 23 Dec 2008

    All Heaven's sweetness is contained in Your Heart All the light of the world shines from Your lovely eyes All goodness in life flows from Your hands And all true wisdom comes from Your sweet lips Upon seeing this form I see the form of an angel but, no, You are more lovely than all the angels...
  8. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 29 Nov 2008

    O my sweet, sweet Lord...I know You are here with me. I know You love me, and I know, by Your mercy, that I love You. But still, O Jesus dearest, there is a longing in my see You and to talk with You. So many times You have appeared to the people of this world, and they have had the...
  9. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 28 Nov 2008

    O what beauty, what loveliness radiate from Your holy face, O Jesus, dearest in all Heaven and earth! I love You O my tender Lord, and I so yearn to look upon Your glorious face- to kiss You and be saved... Lord of sweetness You know, though I have not the words to tell You, how I treasure You...
  10. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 26 Nov 2008

    My heavenly Lord Jesus, sweet Brother who died for me, only wanting to love me and to be loved by me forever... O Lord at whose name my body and soul fill with longing and who takes my breath away so that I must call for the gift of Your Blood to soothe me... Jesus my Life, You have given me...
  11. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 25 Nov 2008

    My sweet, beautiful Lord... You have said "Come unto me, all who are heavily laden, and I will give you rest." Trusting in You O my God Jesus, I draw near to You now and ask your humble forgiveness for all the sins of my life, and I pray You, dear Lord I implore You- bestow on me the graces so...
  12. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 23 Nov 2008

    Hail O Christ, Beloved King, dear Lord of our salvation! To You I humbly, happily bring my thanks and adoration! I love You, O my lovely Lord Because You first did love me O grant, sweet Master, that I may place not the world above Thee! Hail O my Christ, my Jesus, God in whom I find my rest. I...
  13. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 22 Nov 2008

    My Jesus, I love You. O dearest, You are my relief and my shelter. You give me joy and life. Your unsurpassed beauty, Your unending love, Your bountiful mercy, cannot be imagined by us, Your own longing adorers. O Life-giver, hail, hail unto You forever and forever, with all my soul and...
  14. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 16 Nov 2008

    Our Adorable Lord! Jesus, most beautiful, forever beloved- Father, Brother, Savior, Friend, Love and Life! You put us upon this Earth- and by Your grace and mercy will we rise to You in Heaven! O Loving Heart- O, blissful Heart! Melt us with adoration, burn us with love! Within Your Heart is...
  15. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 14 Nov 2008

    F O R E V E R . . . Today, while praying, I came across these words by Thomas Brooks: Oh let him for ever lie betwixt our breasts, [Song of Solomon] i. 13, who hath left his Father's bosom for a time, that he might be embosomed by us for ever. The passage containing the quote pertains to...
  16. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 12 Nov 2008

    My sweet Lord! King of Love forever! Filled with love at seeing Your lovely head crowned with thorns and Your beautiful body covered with the wounds of love and the blood of Life, I kneel before You and now apologize for the sins I have committed against You, and for those of others- I offer You...
  17. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 10 Nov 2008

    Help me, save me, Blood of Jesus... Flowing forth from the most holy Head, the Face more beautiful than all the world and its creatures. Blood flowing from the Heart in which I have my home prepared for me, I cling to You and adore You. O for one drop of Jesus' Blood that I may have a foretaste...
  18. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 9 Nov 2008

    O Lord, You're so beautiful... Today, after Mass. I stopped to pray before the Pieta in the corner of my church. I placed my hand on the statue, right in the hand of Mother Mary which held the wounded hand of my Jesus...I looked into the face of Jesus upon the statue- eyes and mouth wide open...
  19. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 7 Nov 2008

    Ah my sweet and loving Lord, most adorable in all the universe, without whom I cannot hope to live, I approach You with humility..Deep within my heart- which waits for Your coming- I place myself on that most sacred ground at the foot of Your Cross. My beloved Jesus Christ, I see You...
  20. MyLordIsMyLife

    Posted 5 Nov 2008

    I love You, my Jesus, today, tomorrow, and forever... Truly, dearest One, is my soul calling for You, In my heart I yearn for Your light- At the end my lips will savor Your name and You will give me Life forever. This I believe by the sweetness of my Lord's Precious Blood Amen Alleluia...