Search results

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    Hey Sawyer Fans!

    Josh Holloway is back on CBS. His new show is "Intelligence". I liked it.:wave:
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    Grieving husband needs prayer

    DH just lost his mother to a quick-working bacterial infection. She died with-in three days of diagnosis. He is grieving as is all his family. We are also strapped for holiday cash due to funeral arrangement- flowers-caterer etc. do not know when or if her insurance has come through.:( This is...
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    :wave:I started watching the Stargate:Atlantis marathons on the Sci-Fi channel and the series finale on Friday. I really liked that show, and they advertised a new Stargate show for 2009. I forget the details, but it looks like something I would enjoy. So all Stargate fans please feel free to...
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    Lost season 5 trailor

    Have you all seen this yet? I hope link works. Its on you tube also. Makes me miss LOST more but it was great!:wave:
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    Lisa Rhemy on Racheal Ray?

    Did anyone else see this epi of RR? The star of "King of Queens" was on and showed clips of how her 3 1/2 yo still uses a bottle, and is not night potty trained. I don't know why but that was disturbing to me, to see how over indulged that hollywood child is.:sigh:
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    Veggie Tales?

    :PAny input on "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything"? Funny enough for adults to enjoy? or just stupid kids jokes?:sorry:
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    Ancient of Days?

    :wave:Hi, I have a question for you because I love you guys, and respect this forum's regular posters wisdom. What does that name mean about God? The Ancient of Days? Its from a worship song and I wondered where that phrase came from and its meaning. thank-you all.:)
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    wow, thank-you

    over one thousand blessings! wow thank-you anonymous!
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    The Seeker

    I saw an ad for this movie, it said it was based on a newberry award winning book,:thumbsup: from the makers of Bridge to Terabithia.:cry: I was wondering if anyone read the book, and if it was good? I am interested in seeing this movie, but I hated Bridge to Terabithia because it was such a...
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    Is this a virus or...

    My son is 6 and he didn't go to school today because he had a headache, no appetite and low energy. I don't know if he is suffering from migraines or a virus, or if he's just run down from the first 3 weeks of school. He isn't used to first grade and all. I just need to ramble. I'm feeling...
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    Whew what a day...I would like prayer

    I had to take my 6 YO boy to the ER, thankfully is wasn't serious. He fell and opened an 1/2 inch gash above his eyebrow, it needed stitched. My son held out great, I nearly fainted. Ohh boy. I just need some Holy Spirit peace and love, please lift up my family to Father God so that we can...
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    New Star Trek series???

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    Post your fav. kid friendly meals:wave: I need some new ideas cause I'm getting in a rut:scratch: and snacking on junk:( Maybe some other moms of young kids 3-8 are getting in a rut with meals, too? I'm hoping it isn't just me.:sorry:
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    Looking for a buddy gal friend in butler pa area.
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    New Star Trek series???

    Just heard a news blip, the guy who played Sylar on Heroes is going to portray a young Mr. Spock in a new Star trek series.:) Does anyone have any info on when or where this new series is coming?:confused: I love Star Trek:tutu:
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    Anon. armor blessings,THANK-YOU!

    :hug: I hope you see this so thanks from appleofhis eye(diane):)
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    prayer request

    :cry: please pray, my pastor is having a fight with his wife, and unfortunately all the church knows. It's causing strife and division.:cry: thank-you
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    At which age?

    How old were your children when you let them play with their friends w/o your direct supervision? When did you let them outside on your own property alone? When were they allowed to cross the road to a neighbor's house to play? I just want to know if I am being too lenient or too strict in...
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    Did I do the right thing?

    :confused: Today,my 5 year old son and his 5 year old neighbor friend, were in my laundry room and started my washer. This kind of upset me, i don't know why, maybe because I was worried they might get hurt or hurt my washer. Well,anyway, I couldn't get a straight answer from either one as to...
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    prayer request for evangelical outreach

    :wave: I have been reading this forum and am greatly impessed with your faith and spirituality. I would like to ask for your prayers concerning our church's outreach program tonight. I live in a town that is very religous, but not spiritual(deny the gifts of the Holy Spirit):doh: We have...