Search results

  1. Sors

    The Holy Christian Church

    I have always recited the apostle's creed with "holy catholic church". I am Methodist (GMC), but my child goes to an LCMS elementary school and after the Christmas program the apostles creed was said with this part as the "holy christian church". None of this bothers me. I see no serious issues...
  2. Sors

    Cessationism vs Continuationism

    So I did a search before bringing this up because I suspect it has been talked about plenty on here. Sure enough there are two massive threads in the last year, the John MacArthur possible heretic thread and the 1st Corinthians 13:10 thread seem to have a lot of content about this. I am going to...
  3. Sors

    Differences between DOC and COC?

    I was baptized Disciples of Christ. Eventually may family joined a Non Denominational (Undercover Baptist lol) church growing up. I did a lot of study, eventually embraced Methodist theology and beliefs. But almost all of my extended family was Church of Christ. I bring up my background just to...
  4. Sors

    How did Arminian beliefs lead to Wesleyan theology?

    I think this might be more a request for literature so I apologize for that. But wikipedia seems to be a mess. Apparently Jacobus Arminius both influenced the anabaptists and the methodist split from the anglican church? I mean I get it on concepts of the Eucharist and Infant Baptism..But heck...
  5. Sors

    Disciples of Christ - The first non denominational church?

    This is probably going to be pretty long, so I apologize to anyone that does not want to read it. I want to start off by clarifying that I do know that Disciples of Christ is an actual denomination. I was baptized in the church, but have not been associated with it for 25 years or so. But I...
  6. Sors

    Lutheran Schools? What to expect.

    My son (6) will be attending a Lutheran School for elementary starting this fall. The church attached to the school is Missouri Synod which I understand is the more conservative of the main Lutheran denominations. I am going to be doing a bit of research, and will definitely be visiting the...
  7. Sors

    Information on Ulrich Zwingli?

    I think, (maybe?), I have a pretty good idea of Zwingly's disagreements with both Luther and the Catholic Church and Calvin when it comes to the eucharist. To my understanding Zwingli did not believe Christ was actually present at all during the Sacrament. while Calvin believed Christ was...
  8. Sors

    It Has Been 13 years. Funny how Stuff Changes

    Been years since I posted here. I have read a number of threads of people who lost their faith. How bout a thread of someone who got it back. Faith is a really tricky concept. It really isn't about proof. My youth leader in High School, after tiring from my constant questioning, finally told...
  9. Sors

    Helping autism...through monkey pornography. Weird. (no inapropriate material)

    Monkeys Pay to See Female Monkey Bottoms Taken from article: If you read the article it also states that this was partially sponsored by the Cure Autism Now Foundation, and the experiment is somehow supposed to help...
  10. Sors

    Finding Neverland - Very good movie

    Finding Neverland. I would highly recommend this movie. It was a little too perfectly made, I don't know how to explain it. But it got on my nerves at times. It seemed like the only purpose was to attempt to win an Oscar. But despite that, it was a great movie, and its not a children's...
  11. Sors

    Wyoming...congrats for your win againt Cal

    Wyoming, congrats on your win over UCLA in football. Its nice to see some Mountain West teams winning bowl games over major oponents. Take care Sors
  12. Sors

    Best Actor/Actress

    Well there is a thread for the worst, why not the best. And yeah Im sure there has been another thread sometime in the past just like this, but I am too lazy to look it up. My opinion Al Pacino Robert Dinero Morgan Freeman Gene Hackman Johnny Depp Sean Penn Edward Norton Denzel...
  13. Sors

    Michael Crichton

    Alright, Michael Crichton is one of my favorite authors. I love virtually all of his books, minus his newest Prey, which I believe was poorly developed and written, even though it had an interesting premise. I love Eaters of the Dead, don't let the name scare you off, it is his take on...
  14. Sors

    Dieting Question

    I am not overweight at all, but I am trying to get cut by working out and eating better. But Im not really sure what exactly I should be eating for this. Ive done internet searches, but anything of value seems to cost money. Any advise? I do Cardio everyday, and weights twice a week.
  15. Sors

    Tom Clancy

    This forum seems to very repetitive topic wise. DaVinci Code, Harry Potter, Narnia, Left Behind, and Frank Perretti. Thats all good and well, but there is alot more out there to talk about. So every couple days or so, Im going to start a new thread on an author, maybe pop fiction, maybe...
  16. Sors

    Quentin Tartentino, great or overrated?

    To follow in the footsteps of my last topic, lets take on another controversial, succesful filmmaker. Personally I love his work, I like how he does not insult his audience by finding it necessary to make a cut every 2 seconds. I enjoy the way he weaves his plotlines, and they way he experiments...
  17. Sors

    Delta Force 2?

    This is a longshot, I really don't expect any replies, but I thought Id give it a shot. Anyone play Delta Force 2.? Its an older game, and still one of my favorites.
  18. Sors

    Aggie eats list after cutting in line - crazy aggies There are two videos on the website. I go to Texas Tech, I think this is hilarious. Silly Aggies