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  1. theologia crucis

    The Augsburg Confession

    The Confession of Faith which was submitted to His Imperial Majesty Charles V at the Diet of Augsburg in the year 1530 by certain princes and cities I will speak of thy testimonies before kings, and will not be put to shame. Psalm 119:46 Preface to the Emperor Charles V...
  2. theologia crucis

    Lest we forget...

    On June 25, two great events occurred in church history (sorry I'm postin' this early...): 425 years ago (1580), the Book of Concord was officialy accepted and subscribed to (is that the correct terminology?). 475 year ago (1530), the "Magna Carta of the Reformation" was presented to...
  3. theologia crucis

    Luther's "97 Theses"

    I hope the good Doctor does not mind me posting this, but the following is another disputation that he wrote BEFORE the 95 Theses were posted. The Disputation Against Scholastic Theology is dated September 4, 1517, and is a very good read if one can make it through it! DISPUTATION AGAINST...
  4. theologia crucis

    Test (ignore)

  5. theologia crucis

    Happy Reformation Day?

    (Your "useless fact of the day" for June 25 [links provided for non-Lutherans]): On this date in 1530, the Augsburg Confession (the "Magna Carta" of the Reformation) was professed to Emperor Charles V at the Imperial Diet at Augsburg. I know that October 31, is generally celebrated as...
  6. theologia crucis

    The Battle Hymn of the Reformation

    At worship this morning, the opening hymn was listed in the bulletin as LW 297, "A Mighty Fortress". However, the organist (not our regular one), played the music to LW 298 (also "A Mighty Fortress"). It was not fun singing with everyone around trying to sing LW 297 to the syncopation in...
  7. theologia crucis

    Trip help

    Flipper, Rose, and whoever knows good stuff about Missouri, Do y'all have any last tips about what one HAS to see or do in St. Louis and Western Missouri? It'll be me, my wife, and my one-year old. We should get to StL on Monday the 24th (~lunch), and will spend three nights. Part of one...