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  1. R.Weeks79

    Identity politics at its core

    Is it just me or is everyone losing there mind lol
  2. R.Weeks79

    Children protecting there kids

    I keep reading stories of abusive mothers or fathers and yeah you got some abusive moms. And then I read about the child protecting there parents. My mom had a bad relationship. She put up with it while she was trying to get out. The man my mom was with made the mistake of hitting me and...
  3. R.Weeks79

    Hancuffed Child Spits on Cop and is slapped

    "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." -Mike Tyson and I say dang strait. When I was a child if I spit on a cop my mom would not have not had a problem with the cop for smacking me, she would have thendroppeed my...
  4. R.Weeks79

    Mr Beast Youtuber who does good deeds and is despised for it.

    Mr. Beast is the biggest youtuber on the planet. He uses his platform to help others, it is also how he makes his money. I have seen people say he is a white savior for doing good in africa. He had surgery done on over a 1000 people to return there sight and that makes him demonic. One of the...
  5. R.Weeks79

    The Bible and Nature

    This is a quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson and I am not saying God is not real this is just to debate his quote If you knew nothing about science and you read the Bible the Old testament which in Genesis is an account of nature, and I said to you give me your description of the natural world...
  6. R.Weeks79

    Ivy League heads refusing to condemn calls for genocide of Jews

    I have predominantly been a liberal most of my adult life. I have watched Conservatives talk about Jewish Space Lasers and pedophile pizza parlors. It was never hard not to vote for them. Then I watch young liberals at colleges in support of Hamas, and saying Osama Bin Ladin was not a bad guy...
  7. R.Weeks79

    What would you do if you were god for one day

    I would be fire and brimstone borderline genocidal. Yeah what I would do would be considered genocidal. All the LGBTQ ABCEDF I have lost count of the letters who support Palestine I would ship them over to Palestine, Were the Muslims there would execute them, I do not think they realize...
  8. R.Weeks79

    Anyone notice that many people are scientifically illiterate

    Why did so many people die during Hurricane Katrina. It was not the Hurricane, it as the levies breaking. It was bad Engendering. The Romans build bridges across rivers that exist today and we have bridges built across much smaller bodies of water that collapse. Climate Change...over 90% of...
  9. R.Weeks79

    Vengeance is mine sayeth the lord. [ Warning this is a Harsh Topic]

    I have seen horrible things in my life, in my youth I broke the law many times and I was not a good person. I did not kill rape or harm those weaker than me but I was not a good persona and then I see this story. I can say 100% if I was locked in a room with that mother or that rapist they...
  10. R.Weeks79

    Assisted Suicide

    This is a very iffy topic. If your terminal meaning you are gonna die and your in pain and want it to in I fully understand and accept that. I also see the danger in it. I think it would have to be a case by case deal and It would need signed of by at least doctors to avoid abuse of the service...
  11. R.Weeks79

    Public Service and Religion

    My mom passed some years ago from cancer. I am 99.9% certain her death was assisted and I am okay with that that because I know how much pain she was in. Some Christian doctors thought she suck it up and continue suffering. There is something called terminal which means your gonna die. In a...