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  1. H

    The Pain of Being Estranged from Family

    It being Christmas season, I know there's a lot of pain going on over family estrangement. I have been estranged from many family members for like 12 years. I know in a way it's justified because I have done things that have been wrong and have hurt others, but there is something specific I'm...
  2. H

    John Nelson Darby and the Novelty Factor

    I have read a lot about the pre-trib rapture being false because "no one taught it or believed it" until John Nelson Darby started teaching it in the 1800's. This view is promoted a lot by people who denounce the pre-trib rapture view. It reminds me a lot of the view that Protestantism has no...
  3. H

    Learning About Women

    As a Christian guy, I have entertained the thought of being married one day. As such, I have observed the behavior of women in the church. I think women outside the church share many of the characteristics, but to a much lesser degree and since they don't know Christ, there is a higher level of...
  4. H

    Are Christians easier to take advantage of?

    I notice that Christians are sometimes held to an unreasonable standard by non-Christian people. I've dealt with this personally and I know pastors and Christian leaders deal with it a lot. My pastor once told me about homeless guy who came to the church office with a big smile on his face...
  5. H

    The Nicolaitans

    I just had some thoughts about the Nicolaitans spoken of by the Lord Jesus in the seven letters to the churches of Revelation. I am not sure if we really know who these people were. However, there are some clues. The Lord Jesus is encouraging the seven churches to be strong in faith, to regain...
  6. H

    Prayers TO the dead

    Hi everyone. I was reading some akathists on a local Orthodox church's website, and there are so many powerful prayers. I think Orthodoxy is completely overwhelming for a Protestant. I don't think I could touch 0.0001% of anything Orthodoxy has to offer in this lifetime. However, I have a...
  7. H

    Proper Behavior During Divine Liturgy Worship

    I have a question about proper behavior during Divine Liturgy. I came from a Pentecostal background where worship was very animated. At home, I pray using a variety of postures. Usually I pray on my knees and I lift my hands towards heaven, either fully extended with the palms facing forward or...
  8. H

    My experience with bipolar disorder

    Hello all. I came here first to see if anyone was suffering here, so that I could contribute something. I have had bipolar disorder since 2011. Originally, it was diagnosed as a psychotic disorder because that's how I presented at my first psychiatric hospitalization. I had suffocating guilt and...
  9. H

    Why has Christianity failed in America?

    I can't stop thinking about the moral decline America has gone through since World War II, and how the church may be responsible at least in part for it. America was founded as a deeply religious country, and somehow we (the church) have allowed a pretty devout country (at least in its founding)...
  10. H

    I am happy to be back

    I was a part of this community years ago. I really miss the outlet of being able to contribute online. Since I felt I needed to develop my social skills, I spent the last five years living in big cities, teaching, and developing that aspect of my life. But, since I have always seen myself as a...