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  1. YorkieGal

    Nikki Haley Wants Identify Verification for use of Social Media Is this a good idea? In my view, no. There are lots of people who make comments they wouldn't make in person, on this forum included, but do they need to be identified? Are we that soft that we can't just use...
  2. YorkieGal

    Emotional Eating & Other Things

    So, I reached a new low in sizing. Now a US size 6 down from 28/30 many years ago. My brain doesn't really connect with a new body size, despite many compliments, everything just feels surreal. Despite that, I am going through a lot of things and have no one to talk to about these things...
  3. YorkieGal

    Birth Control - Can it make you gay etc
  4. YorkieGal

    Elon Musk is Evil I truly believe he is a Trojan horse who is no friend to humanity. He talks about 'universal high income' that is...
  5. YorkieGal

    Science is Dead to me
  6. YorkieGal

    Pray for the kids
  7. YorkieGal

    Women Should Not Vote
  8. YorkieGal

    Women Should Not Vote

    Article has been moved to article section!
  9. YorkieGal

    Just want to wish you all an awesome weekend!

    May your lives be peaceful and full of joy over the weekend!
  10. YorkieGal

    Blood donors may donate personality along with blood - SCIENTISTS say
  11. YorkieGal

    Trump isn't president - why do people still talk about him so much?

    When Trump was president, it made sense to talk about how good or bad he was at speaking, running the country etc. Now, Biden is 'president' but when he is critiqued, Trump is brought up as a comparison? I don't get it! Help me understand the logic?
  12. YorkieGal

    Lesbian detransitioner with multiple personality disorder
  13. YorkieGal

    Biden mocks Hamas and says 'they gotta learn to shoot straight' o_O
  14. YorkieGal

    Whatever your politics; Biden talking is a nightmare
  15. YorkieGal

    Britney Spears reveals she had an ABORTION
  16. YorkieGal

    Never Question Scientists or Doctors
  17. YorkieGal

    So Bored

    I thought this forum would help with this but it seems full of people trying to stir the pot, pretend they are smarter than they are or competing for online likes from their online in group rather than sharing anything of any real substance. Living online is weird.............. So, that's my...
  18. YorkieGal

    Oprah Winfrey suggested she run for the White House in 2020
  19. YorkieGal

    Please pray for my little dog

    He has started coughing randomly, over the last few nights, and everything online points to heart disease/failure. I am scared for him. Thank you.
  20. YorkieGal

    Debate for the sake of debate

    Dear Lord, I am witnessing so much against your word and want to humbly correct those who would lead others into temptation and sin by deliberate or innocent misinterpretation of your holy word and by putting the sins of man as priority over the will of God. 2 Timothy 4:2-5 1I charge thee...