Search results

  1. Serendipitous Waffle

    Family Friendly DNS (free)

    With small ones getting online at a younger and younger age, it's important to safeguard them from the more vile side of the internet. From malware to adult content. I personally use a free DNS provider that filters out most, if not all, adult sites and malware sites. I do not work for, or...
  2. Serendipitous Waffle

    A Humble Prayer Request

    I'm not sure how to formulate this, but here it goes. I humbly ask for prayer of protection from all evil beings. I feel as if though the closer I get to the Lord, the more evil tries to "bring me down". So I ask for your prayers for my protection, physically and spiritually. I thank you to...
  3. Serendipitous Waffle

    Prayer Request - Battling Something

    I don't know what's going on, honestly. It feels like I'm going insane. I have this feeling that something "bad" is around me, it's making my anxiety shoot up. I'm 100% certain it's the Lamictal medication I'm on, but if you have the time please pray for me that this feeling or whatever it is...
  4. Serendipitous Waffle

    Any Bikers Here?

    As the title states, any bikers here? I currently don't have a bike as I'm in the process of moving back to the U.S. and would like to get one ASAP when I return. Been looking at some classic styled cruisers, thought it would be "chill" especially on longer trips. Prior to that, I've been a...
  5. Serendipitous Waffle

    Divorced - Ok to marry again?

    Long story short, my ex wife was an utter and complete psychopath. Physically and mentally abusive, she cheated on me and she demanded a divorce. Like a fool, I was willing for us to get counseling and move past her infidelity. She wasn't interested. Once we divorced and I wasn't around, she...
  6. Serendipitous Waffle

    Social Anxiety and Witnessing

    A little about me so this post makes sense; suffer from not only social anxiety, but anxiety in general. Having OCD does NOT help either. But lately I've wanted to should the Lord's good works from the roof tops if that makes sense, so naturally I'd love to be able to witness. However, here's...
  7. Serendipitous Waffle

    A Couple of Ways the Lord has changed me

    I'm a big fellow, not fat but of stature. I look scary, and it doesn't help that I have had a "Resting B-word Face". So not only did I look scary, but mean. In honesty, it was a self defense measure. To keep people at arms length, the less people I know the less chances of me being hurt...
  8. Serendipitous Waffle

    Growing closer to the Lord - Thoughts regarding family

    For the past year or so, especially in the past six months and even Moreso the past couple of months I have been being pulled closer to the Lord. It's lie He shook me awake which I am very grateful for. However, I'm worried about my family, specifically my mother. She doesn't really believe...
  9. Serendipitous Waffle

    Christian Content Creators?

    I'm specifically thinking about Youtube, but feel free to post any others from other platforms! I'm not talking about Christian youtube videos where they talk about the Lord or the bible really, just good Christian people making various videos. As a biker myself, one great example would be...
  10. Serendipitous Waffle

    An Important Meeting.

    I have an important meeting tomorrow, if you can please pray that it goes well for me. :) Thank you.
  11. Serendipitous Waffle

    A strange, discombobulated feeling?

    For the past week or so I've not felt 100% like myself. A quick rundown, a little under two months ago I had a successful brain aneurysm surgery, I suffer from OCD / depression so what I'm experiencing may be related. However, have any of you laid in bed, or sat in the sofa where a smell...
  12. Serendipitous Waffle

    A tough choice - Your input appreciated

    Ok, a little about me: I'm 41 years old and raised in the U.S. since a very early age (3ish) and grew up there. Had all my "firsts" there. First day of school, first motorcycle, first kiss etc. I am born in Norway though, and beyond a passing memory I had no connection to Norway growing up...
  13. Serendipitous Waffle

    Brain Aneurysm - Fun Times!

    I had a pretty large brain aneurysm, unruptured. About a month ago, I was in the hospital in Oslo for surgery. They had to do a "bypass" where they took a long vein from my left arm and attached it to my neck and threaded it up into my brain cutting off the blood supply to the aneurysm...
  14. Serendipitous Waffle

    Tired of Hyper Connectivity

    Ok folks, think back to the 90's and even the early 2000's. Remember not being always "connected"? It seems in this hyper connected world we live in today, that someone is always able to "reach out and touch us". We're constantly connected with email, social media, text messaging or we have a...
  15. Serendipitous Waffle

    What is your biggest pet peeve?

    I'll go first, mine would have to be blasphemy. The more flippant, the more angry I seem to get. There just is no excuse to take the Lord's name in vain. My second pet peeve would be people poking me to get my attention, bugs me doubly so when they see I am currently busy! Doesn't get me...
  16. Serendipitous Waffle

    Blasphemous OCD

    I've suffered from OCD for a very long time, well over a decade. At times it has been literally debilitating. My OCD will go through "stages", it attacks what I value deeply and hold near. And once I'm able to get past a certain form of OCD, it pokes and prods until it finds something that...
  17. Serendipitous Waffle

    Howdy folks, thanks for having me!

    I'm Duncan, born in Norway but raised in the U.S. and am currently living in Norway again. I'm a sinner suffering from OCD and social anxiety which makes it hard for me to go to Church and seek counsel there, so thought the next best thing would be with like minded people online. :) Thanks for...