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  1. Phoneman-777

    Satanic High Priest's Claim About The Origin Of Evolution

    In this short excerpt from the remarkable presentation “A Trip Into The Supernatural”, Christian prayer warrior/author Roger Morneau recalls the time when at a young age he was being recruited to join a Montreal demon worship society and on one particular night, the Satanic high priest revealed...
  2. Phoneman-777

    Gun Control and Evolution - A Quick Gut Check

    Many Christian liberals support increased Gun Control and even an all out gun ban because "If we can save just ONE life, then it's all worth it" - yet these same liberals are perfectly happy to stand by and allow the teaching of evolution to destroy a young person's eternal life by convincing...
  3. Phoneman-777

    Why is Western Christianity So Soft?

    Despite the false claims of leftist Fake News, Christianity is the single most persecuted group in the world - not women, not gays, not transgenders, blacks or browns...Christians. While there are good people doing a good job raising awareness of the plight of our global Christian family - such...
  4. Phoneman-777

    50 Years of Deafening Silence Confirms Radioisotope Halos Have Destroyed Evolution - It's Time For A Proper Burial

    **** Note **** (If you wish to skip the boring science lesson and head down to the bottom to find out about the "50 years of deafening silence" - be my guest) Dr. Robert Gentry, a Seventh-day Adventist scientist, made an extremely important discovery many years ago. After much research, in...
  5. Phoneman-777

    The Early Church Fathers Were Historicist - Not Preterist or Futurist

    H. Grattan Guinness (regarded as "England's greatest Bible prophecy teacher") elaborates below on the following 8 points, followed by his comment on Futurism: 1. The Fathers interpreted the four beasts of Daniel as Babylon, MedoPersia, Greece, Rome 2. The Fathers believed the Ten Horns of...
  6. Phoneman-777

    The Gospel of Cognitive Dissonance

    In the last few years, we've witnessed the woeful effects of the destructive policies of the Department of Education on our young people. From one public university to another, policies which can be shown to have been formulated and implemented by occultist enemies of Christ (such as former U.N...
  7. Phoneman-777

    Why "Absent From The Body" Does NOT Support Immortal Soul Doctrine

    Verse by verse exposition in red of 2 Corinthians 5:1-8 KJV which explains why the Immortal Soul crowd's failure to recognize that Paul speaks of 3 options - not 2 - leads them to misquote and misunderstand verse 8, and wrongly conclude that the entire passage teaches the moment we cease to be...