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  1. Marcel_Prix

    Is Batman an example of Calvinist and/or Methodist worldview?

    Hey guys, I have been reading and watching a few Batman graphic novels and films. Let's break it down as to why I think this way and you guys can challenge it or suggest other. Bare in mind I only have "notions" of Calvinism and Methodism and not completely understanding hence you guys might...
  2. Marcel_Prix

    What is the "Common Good "and why does it seem this concept is more entrenched in American Law?

    PS: I don't think everyone in America thinks this way. What I am trying to get at is that it seems that this culture does exist in America and to a lesser extend I can also see it in UK. Also the examples are "idealized" and only of few of tons of other examples, but they do point out to an...
  3. Marcel_Prix

    Why do "Progressives" have the most taboos?

    Hey guys, This is something I've realized Liberals start from the "Sex,Alcohol, Rock and Rolls." Attitude, however, they soon devolved into dislike anyone who questions, "Intersectionality." A lot of this Clowns think they are "edgy" by being blasphemous about Religion and Religious people...
  4. Marcel_Prix

    What is Tradition? What is the difference in view between Catholics and Protestants?

    Hey guys, I've read about Tradition. Yet, I'm still confused and don't get it yet. What is clear is that Catholics follow Tradition while Protestants don't. What does this mean exactly?
  5. Marcel_Prix

    Why does it seem Feminism,Lesbianism and Androphobia go hand in hand?

    Hey guys, This is a connection that many people fail to account to. Once you start going the Feminist route that leads to an excessive identification with one's own gender. To the point where some women in a feminist society will only interact with women have have relationships with them as...
  6. Marcel_Prix

    Why is the phenomenon of "Has been" so prevalent in American Society?(Concrete Examples Inside)

    Hey everyone, This is one area of American Society that's interesting and different from other societies around the world. I will point out to Drake Bell, now he has been shrouded in controversy, however, the whole, "Has been" happened to him before his controversy. Drake Bell is a actor and...
  7. Marcel_Prix

    What is "Sentimentality"?

    Hello everyone, This is a topic that I've always been fascinating by. Since I noticed that in the English Speaking World people appear to have a immediate "rejection" of anything that's sentimental. Anything "sentimental" is tagged as a bad. Meanwhile, based on my studies, I don't think other...
  8. Marcel_Prix

    Stephen King vs Orson Scott Card: Why are King's novels so "disquieting"?

    Hey guys, I watched the interview between Ben Shapiro and Orson Scott Card. I really like how Orson Scott card said that King being a Calvinist has this view that human action is "meaningless." I have read novels influenced by King but I also seen this "nihilism" where most things don't...
  9. Marcel_Prix

    Is it true that some Protestants denominations have hostility towards life and even Art?

    Hello everyone, I don't want to cause controversy. I have an interest in studying different religions, cultures and peoples. I recently discovered while having a discussion with some religious friends that some Protestant denominations see art as a "distraction from" God. Moreover, I heard...
  10. Marcel_Prix

    What is "Ritual"? Why does it seem some Churches give more emphasis to it while others don't?

    Hello everyone, I'm not saying one side is better than another. However, it seems to me that there's a big difference in a Catholic mass and the mass at the mass at some Protestant denominations. I'm aware, "Protestant" is an Umbrella term for many different movements. And you even big...
  11. Marcel_Prix

    What is modesty? And how is modesty expressed in society?

    Hey guys, I'm not sure if this topic is directly relevant to politics however, its something that I've been very interested in. If you know where the thread would fit better feel free to recommend me the right forum, for this type of discussion. For instance, I have noticed the topic of...
  12. Marcel_Prix

    Newbie Question: Why are Homosexuals so important in the "Progressive" Era?

    Hello everyone, What is the point of having "gays/homosexuals" at the forefront of a political movement? I'm not talking about the "lifestyle" of this individuals, whenever or not what they are doing is moral or not although it might come off that way. What I'm trying to get at is why the...