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  1. M

    Cat Foster Homes

    I made this for RileyG and friend of but anyone else, feel free to join. Have you considered fostering cats/kittens? I'm not sure about Canada, but the USA has far too many state shelter cats and strays per foster home and, last I heard, only seven 24-hour kitten nurseries nationwide. Just to...
  2. M

    All souls belong to God (Ezekiel 18:4)

    If this means what I think it means, then it seems to me that either: 1. Ezekiel was deceived (unfortunately for one of my favorite Old Testament moments :( ) OR 2. any entity telling you to that God wants you to commit your soul to it (or to another entity) is not to be trusted, since your...
  3. M

    How do you know if you meet God?

    Some visionaries have said that if you encounter God or receive a message from God, there will simply be no doubt. But many have said that one must learn to recognize God's voice, appearance, etc., to avoid deception by devious spirits or even by oneself. If you encounter an entity claiming to...
  4. M

    What sustains damned souls?

    If God's power isn't keeping them alive, then what is? Are there eternal things beyond God? outside of God? If God's power is keeping them alive, then what purpose could it possibly serve, since they can't do anything except to feel pain?
  5. M

    If any of you pray for the dead,

    I ask you to pray for my suicidal friend. :( He took his life years ago, but I've been thinking of him lately. To be honest, I must admit I never really understood the purpose of praying for the dead. To be fair, I must admit I never really understood the purpose of praying for the living...
  6. M

    Lab reports on bleeding host miracles?

    Does anyone know where I can get some? I mean some lab reports, not some bleeding host miracles. That could be helpful too, but since I'm not a biologist and I don't have a lab or even a microscope, I wouldn't know what to do with them.
  7. M

    Christian = otherworldly?

    Perhaps there is not a polite way for a tourist to pose such questions to the locals, but here is an attempt. My apologies for any offense it may cause. Just to be clear, I'm sure John 15:19 refers to the disciples and the Roman Empire, not modern Christians and the whole planet. Yet it seems...
  8. M

    Calling all (visual) art fans! Can you identify this Lamentation from my description?

    I was going to post this in Visual Arts, but apparently that's for posting original artwork, not discussing artwork. My memory (which by this time has probably accumulated many errors) is of a photo of this work, not the work itself. I think it's a painting or a relief (or a painted relief) but...
  9. M

    The "image of Elohim" in Genesis 1

    What exactly is the image of Elohim, and is it a quality of all humans or only the man in the Garden of Eden? If I'm reading this right, in verse 25 the noun 'Adam' (Man) is used without an article, but in 27 it's with an article.
  10. M

    Does time pass for spirits?

    Do spirits experience the passage of time, or do they merely feel a sensation like time passing, for example, if they suffer? ("When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, you think it's two hours.") If time does pass for them, is it in their spirit realm or only if they interact with the...
  11. M

    I have come here mainly seeking knowledge.

    To say I've come here only seeking knowledge would be inaccurate, I think, but...yeah. Expect everything from "Do spirits experience time?" to "What would you do with a chocolate Jesus?" I'll try to be courteous. Well, this is awkward. Sorry, but I'm not good at posting personal things, I suppose.
  12. M

    Pray for me

    Some think Prayer can make Anyone a believer They say It works "Believe it or not" Others contend It works Only if you believe What say you? Do you believe? Will you pray for me?