Search results

  1. J

    Problem with Sleeping

    I've had problems sleeping for a few years now. It stems from when I was a full-time carer for a close family member and I was literally on the go 24/7 getting a few hours sleep when I could. I would love to get back into a good sleeping pattern. I would value your prayers. Bless you.
  2. J

    I was wondering what your views were on the use of Christian Dating Sites.

    Do you think born again christians should use Christian Dating Sites?
  3. J

    I'm new.

    Hi everyone, I'm a christian and new to Christian Forums. I live in Northern Ireland but have lived and worked in London. Following much prayer, the Lord led me to a new church in October last year. My favourite verse of scripture is 'Be still and know that I am God' Psalm 46:10.