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  1. T


    Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. I have read many thoughts in this singles' forum about struggles of being single which prompted me to share my thoughts on this issue too. Let's...
  2. T

    Fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit

    As a car needs a gasoline to run, so is the soul needs the Holy Spirit to do God’s will. We live in the days where we believers are pushed to the corner of coldness, passivity and apathy. The pull of the world is so strong to take us to its fold. We need the Holy Spirit to revive us, refresh us...
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    I can't remember if I have introduced myself when I registered in CF last week. :blush: Anyway, I'm Tehila(pseudonym) presently residing in Israel. I enjoy reading the blogs and discussions here. To the CF staff, thank you for creating this Christian forum. God bless you all!
  4. T

    Overcoming COVID-19.

    How has COVID-19 affected everybody's life? What are biblical ways to overcome the effects of COVID-19?