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  1. 1Tonne

    Is the gift of prophecy, Evangelising? I think so.

    1 Cor 14:1 says, "Pursue love, yet earnestly desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy." So, we are to desire that we may prophesy above other gifts. I believe that in this verse, the word "prophesy" simply means to tell others about our God, that they will one day be judged...
  2. 1Tonne

    Witnessing at a pagan festival in a storm

    This Saturday just been, I went with a couple of other Christians to share the Gospel at a festival called, "Baldrics Big Day Out." At this festival, many come dressed in medieval clothing and many do medieval reenacting of battles. Within this festival, there are all manner of people from all...
  3. 1Tonne

    We should all be doing something to save the lost. It is wrong not to.

    Jesus said in Mark 16:15, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." This command was not only to the disciples back then, but also to us now. It would be wrong for us to ignore it and allow people to perish. Jesus also said in Matthew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to Me...
  4. 1Tonne

    Do we need to be sorry to be saved?

    I was listening to a sermon and within it, the pastor said that we do not need to be sorry when repenting. In Acts 3:19 it says, "Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;" So no mention of being...
  5. 1Tonne

    Persecuted for the Gospel.

    I have been going to the parks and sharing the Gospel for about a year and a half now. During this time, Satan has tried to discourage me in several ways. So, I thought I would list them so that you may see how Satan will do his best to bring you down. 1. Just as I was starting to share the...
  6. 1Tonne

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    At the end of the book of John, it tells us who the author of this book is. It tells us that the "one whom Jesus loved" was the one who wrote the book of John. It says: "Peter turned around and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them—the one who also had leaned back on His chest at the...
  7. 1Tonne

    Could not sharing the Gospel effect your salvation?

    "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." Mark 16:15 For a while now, as I have been reading my Bible and studying evangelism, things have also stood out to me about those who do not preach the Gospel. It seems that there are several reasons why those who choose not to...
  8. 1Tonne

    Went to the Christmas Parade & shared the Gospel

    Went to the Christmas parade and originally, we were going to be sharing the Gospel outside a shop that our church owns. The problem was that it did not have much foot traffic. So, Cruise, who also shared the Gospel with me, went to the middle of town where a gala was happening and asked if we...
  9. 1Tonne

    Told the Gospel to 45 people.

    Went with 2 others to our town's agricultural meet where there were thousands of people. I was able to tell 45 people the Gospel by doing 1 to 1 evangelism using a flipchart. The other 2 that I was with also told many. Out of the 45 people that I told, there were 2 people that I was able to pray...
  10. 1Tonne

    Are you doing the bare minimum to sow the Gospel?

    In the parable of the sower, the sower spreads the Gospel onto all sorts of soil. Then, depending on where the seed landed, resulted in different growth patterns. When looking at this parable, most people look at where the seed lands. But I think that we need to evaluate where we as believers...
  11. 1Tonne

    Keep your neighbours' highest interest first. Love them by warning them.

    I just watched a video which was on the topic of telling the truth in love. It pointed out that loving someone often means that we have to confront them with something that they may not like. This made me think of how we need to tell the lost that they have sinned and are under Gods judgement...
  12. 1Tonne

    Funny Story While Evangelising Yesterday

    Yesterday I went off to the park and shared the Gospel with some people. At one stage I went over to the pump track (scooter and bike track) and told four teenagers the Gospel. While I was doing this, one boy decided he had had enough and continued to ride his bike. But then he would come back...
  13. 1Tonne

    A biblical argument against Friendship Evangelism

    Here is something I have been thinking about for some time now. Let me know your thoughts on it. First, I should probably say what I believe are the different types of evangelism that I am going to speak about. Definitions: Open Evangelism: When the Gospel is said within the first encounter...
  14. 1Tonne

    Christians blaspheming the Holy Spirit

    For many years I have thought that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit was either, to use the words "Holy Spirit" as a cuss word, or to deny the Holy Spirit when the Gospel is said to you. But recently, I have been wondering if it was something different that believers could commit. In Acts 1:8, it...
  15. 1Tonne

    The consequences of not doing evangelism in public

    I believe that the body of Christ in its actions, or lack of action, are giving the unbelievers evidence that our God is not real. Our lack of evangelism gives them the evidence. If you saw a house on fire, you would yell and warn the people inside. You would not let it be on your conscience...
  16. 1Tonne

    Do you have the Holy Spirit? Do you have the Gift of tongues?

    The other day I found a quote from brother Yun (Chinese Pastor). Since then, I have been thinking a lot about his quote and I have also been reading Acts where the disciples were given the gift of tongues. Here is the quote: “The church today lacks this. The Holy Spirit descended as a tongue...
  17. 1Tonne

    Great quotes that will drive you to tell others the Gospel.

    I have been collecting a few quotes over the last couple of years that are really good quotes for either sharing the Gospel, about the Gospel or they have something to do with repentance. Please feel free to add to the list by making a post. The great commission is not an option to be...
  18. 1Tonne

    Question regarding Gospel

    I go into the parks quite regular and tell people the Gospel. When I do this, I have a script that I have memorised. Now when it comes to how a person is saved, I have always said this, "First, you need to believe that Jesus died on the cross for you. That he died in your place for your sins...
  19. 1Tonne

    Time is short. Get out there.

    Hi Guys I have just come back from the park where I told the Gospel to a number of people. One person was a neighbour of mine from 15 years ago. He just turned 80 the other day and is very much near the end of his life. I also spoke to a young lady who was about 30 years of age. As we were...
  20. 1Tonne

    Question for Amillennialists

    I have a question that I have not been able to figure out. Amillenialist believe that we are in the 1000-year reign right now. If this is correct, why is there so much evil in the world? Why are their false religions deceiving people, murder, rape, theft and many other things. In the 1000...