Search results

  1. RoBo1988

    Catechism for pentacostals?

    My wife and I belong to a small pentacostal church of about 50 people. While most of them have memorized the KJV Bible, there's not much practical application to life in this world. They say 'Bible' is an acronym: "Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth ' ; I say it's basic instruction while...
  2. RoBo1988

    Snickers fights back

    Another volley in Biden's war on snack food companies, and the Americans who make them. No word yet whether the administration will retaliate with nukes and F-15's I bought a bag of fun size Snickers today, in their honor...
  3. RoBo1988

    The wall has been built!

    ... around the Capitol, for the stou address
  4. RoBo1988

    The Rural Voter They don't trust the Democratic party.
  5. RoBo1988

    CBS ' Catherine Herridge fired

    One of the better reporters In the news media.
  6. RoBo1988

    Anthropologist observes bitter clingers at CPAC

    Pure, USDA choice, Democratic red meat.
  7. RoBo1988

    21 phrases that will out you as a Republican

    I haven't seen 21 that out you as a Dem...yet
  8. RoBo1988

    The CHIPS are down

    Chip manufacturing plants, touted as a Biden success, are running into obstacles.( The New York times also covered this.)
  9. RoBo1988

    V shred

    I see commercials for "V shred" on you tube a lot. It is apparently a workout program. Does anyone have a testimony of whether it works or not?
  10. RoBo1988

    Joe Biden's war on little ice cream

    His super bowl message:
  11. RoBo1988

    Of course you know about the religious right...

    ...but what about the Christian left?
  12. RoBo1988

    Election integrity "(Mollie)Hemingway diagnosed the deterioration of U.S. elections and Americans’ trust in the voting process as the result of “lengthy election...
  13. RoBo1988

    Renalt, Volvo, Volkswagen, and Ford scrapped or suspended EV production
  14. RoBo1988

    Trump administration official dies in carjacking

    Shot picking up his wife -Mike Gill
  15. RoBo1988

    Biden's 1st visit to disaster site... one year later No problem with this. Right?
  16. RoBo1988

    RNC needs a loan Seems the wealthy donors don't want to support Donald Trump; and the "unwashed" voters are frustrated that the RNC won't support Donald Trump.
  17. RoBo1988

    The News Business is Cratering Anyone here still get "the paper" ?
  18. RoBo1988

    Ben Shapiro is #1 on iTunes The rap song: "Facts"
  19. RoBo1988

    The largest government in the universe 3 million directly work for the federal government.
  20. RoBo1988

    Profitable store closed due to crime Carjackings at the nearby gas station.