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  1. B

    relationship between Healing and repentance (including physical)

    Hello, I have been on the recieving end of a physical healing previously, but I was wondering how healing and repentance are linked? I cant imagine that God would elect to heal someone who is unrepentant and also I believe that when living in sin, faith cannot grow and its through our faith...
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    Difficult situation with my baby daughter

    My fiance who was carrying my child broke up with me in april my daughter is two months old now, and I also have a brain condition from anti depressants for 7 years which has left me unable to feel emotions, bond or attach to anyone I have faith that God will heal me one day, I feel he wants...
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    The worst mistake of my life

    In may last year I met a nice girl, we had an instant connection and I wanted to share the gospel with her, at the time I met her I'd been in rebellion against God for a few years, God spoke to me 3 times in the space of 2 weeks after meeting her the first thing he said was "I am the source of...
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    Best books on the subject of suffering

    I'm looking for some good books that talk about suffering from a christian perspective, the meaning, the cause, Gods sovereignty, etc Tyia!
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    My christian friend has got engaged to a non christian

    and a part of me feels cheated, I don't want to be unequally yoked because I feel that verse isnt a suggestion but a command, for Gods glory, and mine and my future spouses benefit but I notice that women in particular within the church are happy to settle, my female friend has got engaged to...
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    can God heal the deep early childhood trauma that results in personality disorders?

    Such as BPD, NPD, The core issue we have is that we have no true self, we were traumatised so young that our ego never had a chance to develop into a solid core that represents who we are so from a psychology point of view we are "nothing" do you think God can heal us?
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    Self righteous anger from victims of narcissistic abuse

    These days the internet is rife with victims of abuse demonising narcissists, the narrative is judgemental and not seasoned with grace at all, personality disorders are invariably a result of severe childhood trauma, but this fact means nothing to the angry, vindictive survivors. Ephesians...
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    Contradiction between the bible and PD?

    The bible says that God gives us a desire for marriage and relationship, and he is also sovereign over the childhood trauma that causes people to develop personality disorders, is it not evil to allow the trauma and also give someone a desire to be in a relationship with a partner?
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    How do I come back to God

    From early 2018 until now I backslid, became lukewarm and no longer hate sin, I no longer grieve my sin and often find the scriptures are empty and do not incite awe of God or prayer during my rebellion I lost my health and my close fellowship with God and I don't know how to get back to loving...
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    Abandoning my child

    I recently had a baby out of wedlock with someone who was interested in the faith but hasnt quite come through to discipleship yet during the relationship I was abusive (emotionally not physically), im currently working with professionals on those patterns there is a scripture that says...