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  1. RandyPNW

    Response to Ricky

    #1 A Response to Ricky's documents. What is the Rapture of the Church? The word rapture does not occur in the Bible. The term comes from a Latin word meaning “a carrying off, a transport, or a snatching away.” The concept of the “carrying...
  2. RandyPNW

    a New Nature

    Heb 4.6 Therefore since it still remains for some to enter that rest, and since those who formerly had the good news proclaimed to them did not go in because of their disobedience, 7 God again set a certain day, calling it “Today.” This he did when a long time later he spoke through David, as in...
  3. RandyPNW

    the Prince to Come

    The "prince to come." I've had a go at trying to interpret the "70 Weeks of Daniel" for about 50 years now. ;) And I've tried to correct my errors with every legitimate argument that has come to challenge my positions. Here is how I see things today, after many views and many corrections...
  4. RandyPNW

    The big drone attack on Israel today...

    Dear prophecy enthusiasts, if you have any notion of where this is going, from a prophetic perspective, please give me your insight? Thank you!
  5. RandyPNW

    When we should say "clearly this is true"

    A little study to help determine how we should take care in declaring, "clearly this is true." ;) I found it interesting, having spent a little time studying philosophy, looking at what the Bible says is "certain." A lot of philosophy consists of trying to figure out what we can be certain of...
  6. RandyPNW

    Unravelling the Law and Justification

    Keeping the Law was not "Legalism." Legalism is trying to obtain, by means of the Law, something that requires more than what the Law alone can give. As well, it is the attempt to obtain standing with God apart from God's means of obtaining that standing. Christ and his atonement is, in fact...
  7. RandyPNW

    Defining Preterism and Futurism

    On another forum, a brother seemed discouraged by my attempt to remove myself from the label Preterist, and identify myself with the Futurist label. Here is how I see the issue, as I explained it to him.... I don't think this subject is just an exercise in finding places to argue. Explaining...
  8. RandyPNW

    The word of God and the Law

    God's word is irrevocable and eternal. The Law of Moses contained a testimony to the eternal word of God and His judgment upon all men, that they all are sinful and all must die. Until this is fulfilled the world will not be restored. This is what Jesus meant in Matthew 5. 17 “Do not think that...
  9. RandyPNW

    Law fulfilled by Christ

    Matt 5.17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until...
  10. RandyPNW

    will he find faith?

    I think somewhere it's said that when the Messiah comes back he won't find much faith on the earth. That may be for two reasons. One, many people on earth will be dead, due to the nuclear war at Armageddon. And it will also be because the Beast will persecute and even kill a number of...
  11. RandyPNW

    Not judging before the time

    You should thank your lucky stars! God has not, in history, been about the business of bringing Eternal Judgment, or Eternal Sentencing. There will be a day for that, for reviewing your life to see where you need to be placed for all eternity. I'm not here to say God is going to put people He...
  12. RandyPNW

    is the future Antichrist unique?

    Here's the problem with the so-called future "70th Week of Daniel." 1) The 70th Week of Daniel immediately followed the 69th Weeks of Daniel, or the "70 Weeks" prediction makes no sense. 69 Weeks + 2000 years + the 70th Week? No! Only ancient Church Father Irenaeus and his disciple...
  13. RandyPNW

    Wise Under the Law

    In the parable of the 10 virgins, there were 5 wise virgins and 5 foolish virgins. Jesus was giving this parable to his Disciples while they were still under the Law of Moses. I believe the virgins were being depicted as bridesmaids instead of as brides because under the Law, the hoped-for...
  14. RandyPNW

    A small rapture?

    I was taught a Pretrib Rapture in the early 70s by friends and the church I began to attend. But I had been raised in church from birth where no such thing ever existed. Since this was new to me, and held by all my new Christian friends, I thought Pretribism was the way to go. Hal Lindsey had...
  15. RandyPNW

    Talking to someone about Faith

    No, I think you're exactly right--you aren't in the place where I am, in forums hearing people use "faith" as a means of license, ie antinomianism. They say that "law" and "faith" are opposites, and that anything we "do" is a mistaken sense of guilt since we are not justified by what we "do."...
  16. RandyPNW

    Judge not? 2 kinds of Sin

    Recently I raised a matter that really deserves its own thread, so that it doesn't get confused with other issues. It is the matter of differentiating between classes of Sin. Over the course of my lifetime I've heard things like, "All sins are the same." Well, I don't find that to be true. It...
  17. RandyPNW

    RT's illegitimate language use

    "Replacement Theology" turns the word "Israel" into a dual-purpose word, retaining its literal meaning "Israel" as a natural people, but simultaneously turning it into an allegorized term denoting a "spiritual people." There is no basis for inserting this process of allegorization, which began...
  18. RandyPNW

    Did the pope really say that?

    Trump-hating Pope now wants to baptize transgenders if it doesn't cause scandal? You have got to be kidding! MSN
  19. RandyPNW

    do not ask amiss

    Everything we are told to do in the Bible must be understood by revelation and done by revelation. We must not merely use the Bible as a "book of promises" to be put into use whenever we want to apply a biblical outcome to our lives. If we read that Elijah did a miracle we cannot just "claim it"...
  20. RandyPNW

    2 wings of an eagle?

    Could this passage represent England and the US, who have been protecting Israel in the Middle East? England prepared the way for a modern Jewish State in Palestine. And the US is now the major protector of Israel against Iran. England and the US are clearly related and may constitute a single...