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  1. S

    How long do you read/time of day each day?

    I most of the time read for a half a hour each day in the morning because I am a morning person! The question I ask this forum is the thread title.
  2. S

    Do you watch cable TV?

    The one thing that annoys me very much on cable is the ads or commercials. They are comparative and divisive. For one thing, there are so many medication ads. There are so many for a half an hour show.
  3. S

    I am not happy and joyful?

    Am I mistaken in that a follower of Jesus should be always happy and joyful because I am not most of the time!
  4. S

    I guess since I was born in last month in 1981?

    I guess I am on the older side of the millennials. I feel too old now to considered a millennial!
  5. S

    What is one thing your younger self would not?

    What is one thing your younger self would not imagine you would like now? In my case my 20 year old self would not think I would like smooth jazz in my 40's.
  6. S

    Is it wrong for me to be searching for my purpose in life?

    I am considered middle age over the hill so to speak. I have had many jobs in the past but they were not the right fit for me. I have this tendency to want to know what's going on in my life in which I know that is wrong according to the sovereignty of God. I still don't know my purpose here on...
  7. S

    Is it strange to be over the hill and still be single?

    Same question.
  8. S

    how can I say I don't want marriage?

    Christians only. If I don't know anything about marriage which is good according to the Bible, how can I say I don't want it?
  9. S

    Why is there so many books?

    I have heard from many sources that people don't read anymore then why does everybody and their mother have books or are writing books these days?
  10. S

    how can I say I don't want it?

    Christians only. If I don't know anything about something that is good according to the Bible, how can I say I don't want it?