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  1. Olivet

    I feel God has favorites

    The reason why I say this is because its absolutely clear everyone has a different amount of grace for their life and somethings, major things, are out of out control. We don't choose our parents, whether we're born in a developed or 3rd world country or not, some are born with disabilities...
  2. Olivet

    My view of God has changed

    I dont see God as loving anymore. I see him as a stern, petty, favorite playing being. I feel like my feelings dont matter to him. I feel whether Im respected or not doesnt matter. Im always pushing my feelings aside for everyone. Being used as a doormat. I vent to God but I get silence. Im...
  3. Olivet

    Done with God

    Im trying my best to meet my needs. Im trying and Ive prayed and i feel God is just watching me struggle. I keep trying and trying just to be set back and have my plans thwarted yet others who pray once or none at all have their needs met. It's easier for me to just turn away and pretend he...
  4. Olivet

    Afraid have skin cancer/Melanoma

    i feel like the black spots on my body, on the back of my hands and feet.that keep popping up is Melanoma. Every time i look its a new black spots. Theyre small and pin Sized. Flat. Some irregular. And yes ive made an apptfor a derm but theyre so booked.. I have to wait until the 29th of July...
  5. Olivet

    Severe postpartum

    Not sure of psychosis or wht. I have bad harm thoughts abg self and kids. Im very ashamed. I try to act like i hab it together. Im eveb ashamed writing this. Im too afrad of what pll think of me. Ashamed of putting kids on family. I love thwn but i dont waant to bursen family woth my kids. I...
  6. Olivet

    In hospital havibg c section please pray

    Im so nervous. I dont want anything bad to happen.
  7. Olivet

    Baby comes Friday

    I go in for c section this friday in the morning. I have lot of emotions. Im nervous but mostly depressed. Im depressed because I have 1 baby already and I love him and I never been away from him so long. I also feel sad because I have no clue how Ill handle 2 babies, and work. I feel...
  8. Olivet

    Postpartum , giving birth in 2 wks, need therapy

    Need prayers. I will give birth soon and am scared, Ill hvae 2 kids, single mom. Just signed up for therapy. Feel ill need meds. Please pray Ill make it and therapy will start soon.
  9. Olivet

    Can you be a Christian yet hate God?

    Im very frustrated in my life. I need his help. He doesnt help just watch.
  10. Olivet

    Why is this ok when God does it but bad when we(humans) do this?

    I feel like I'm at a cross-roads in my faith. I'll always believe in God but I have zero faith that He cares except for those he favors. Anyway, my question(rhetorical one) is this, why is it wrong to bash parents that have kids but fail to care for them? Immediately people say," They...
  11. Olivet

    Will God be mad if I choose adoption?

    I have one child already. I made the mistake of getting pregnant again. I know the sin isnt having a child its he out of wedlock intercourse.Every child is a blessing but I feel i can't take care of this one. I'm mentally tapped out, financially struggling, Dad isn't the best, I didn't have...
  12. Olivet


    Means post partum anxiety. Feel im suffering with this. Its hitting hard now. I have no help eith my chikd and I look fine and capable on the outside but my family is no real help. They just expect me to do it alone and its taking a toll. Hwrd for me to come clean abt my mental state bc I feel...
  13. Olivet

    Pray i makr it

    Going to Gyn. Ppa/ppd thoughts too much. Images n thougts of *you know* cant say or thread gets removed. Tryn to get help..... But gyn far. Just me so i can only take me. Scared i may do somrthing on the way.. Wish God wlid let me go. Losin faith. Just bag of bones at this poiny Plz...
  14. Olivet


    Fear i may have more than ocd. Afraid of losing touch with rrality.. .have an appt made but its later in this month. Im very tired. Im trying. I barely eat n sleep. Super depressed, anxious. Self harm thoughts switl my head. Tbh, im angry with God too. Bc hes just sileny while I...
  15. Olivet

    Who 2 call?

    Ocd postpartum is bad again. Had a good few days. Feel i need help now. Thinking of going to gyn will theyvgive me meds? I have no job. Not working. Need help to be free. Thx
  16. Olivet

    Doea God hear simple prayer?

    Sometimes am so mentally exhauates I juat say God help. This good enough?? : ((( I hope bc am struggling.
  17. Olivet

    Pray.mentally ill.plz

    Feeling unstable... Pls pray Stressed. Cant copr.crszy. Help. Scardc Wish lord woild tskr me :((((
  18. Olivet

    Feeling unstable... Pls pray

    I feel so heavy idk where to start. May just bullet point. # Have baby. # struggle with crazy ocd thoughts.. Range from crazy harm thoughts, to put down of self esteem thohghts. Afraid od losing touch with reality. Sui..thoughts..derealization... Just worsw of qorsw # get so scared I start to...