Search results

  1. Pop D.

    Mother's health

    I've posted prayer requests about my mother's health before, but she says it's particularly bad right now. Please pray for her, thank you.
  2. Pop D.

    Plumbing repairs

    We've been having trouble with some leaky faucets here, please pray that it doesn't cost too much to repair. Thanks in advance.
  3. Pop D.

    More work hours

    My job's been cutting my hours of late. Please that I'll get scheduled more, if it is the Lord's Will. Thank you in advance.
  4. Pop D.

    Prayer for coworker

    One of my younger co-workers has ran away from home. I'm not privy to the details, but from what I understand he has some major trouble with his dad (possibly abuse?). Please pray the Lord will work His Will in their lives, thank you.
  5. Pop D.


    Having tornadoes in the region where I live, please pray the Lord will merciful with the weather.
  6. Pop D.


    We've had some nasty weather out here, but so far we've managed to avoid it all. Next week's also looking dicey, but I'm going ahead and praising God anyway!
  7. Pop D.

    Got some trimming done

    Had some branches growing into the power line running to our house. They were pretty high up, but God enabled us to safely trim them, glory to Him! Hopefully that'll at least cut down on the brownouts.
  8. Pop D.

    New medication

    Trying some new medication, would appreciate prayers for the Lord to use it to heal me, especially my face. Thank you.
  9. Pop D.

    Got maintenance done

    The mower was due for it's 100 hour maintenance this year, but with the Lord's help I managed to get it done without breaking anything. Not for the first time, but I'm always worried I'll bend the muffler again when changing the spark plug out. Thank you Lord!
  10. Pop D.


    I posted about my mom's health before, but recently it's become even more worrying, physically and mentally. Please keep her in your prayers, thank you.
  11. Pop D.

    Unspoken request

    Would like prayer for a certain potential issue coming up, The Lord knows the details. Thank you.
  12. Pop D.

    Changed wipers

    Praising the Lord for helping me successfully change the windshield wipers on the car. Which may not sound like a big deal, but Honda really felt this simple job needed to be 10,000x more difficult and complicated than it was on my old Crown Vic.
  13. Pop D.

    Does this show a lack of faith?

    If praying to God for healing, but you keep desperately trying new medications and supplements, does that show a lack of faith on your part?
  14. Pop D.

    Anybody else have a similar testimony?

    I didn't really experience a singular conversion moment when everything just changed for me. Instead The Lord gradually changed my ways, through many different moments of teaching me this world is not my friend, and that He will always being there for me though illness and need. Yet when it...
  15. Pop D.

    Is this a good way to tell the will of God?

    "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord."- Proverbs 16:33 So does this mean, when making decisions on what to do, if I pray to the Lord to speak to me through the results of coin flips, will He do it?
  16. Pop D.


    Healing can only come from the Lord. Please pray that He will heal me. Thank you, and thanks be to Him.
  17. Pop D.

    Many issues

    The Lord knows me and my family are in dire need of His help with many things these days. Please pray with us that He will move mightily in our lives, thank you.
  18. Pop D.

    Traffic accident

    A pedestrian was hit and killed on the highway in front of my workplace today. Would appreciate prayers for everyone involved, and their families, thank you.
  19. Pop D.


    A couple of my co-workers have illness/conditions, please pray for them. Thank you.
  20. Pop D.

    Health issues

    Was gonna post a prayer request for a couple of health issues, but then The Lord healed me before I even could. To God be the glory!