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  1. JacobVY

    Broken Vow.

  2. JacobVY

    How do I give up my life for Jesus?

    I want to give up my life for Jesus. I cant do anything anymore. I cant fight the sin of lust. I cant do anything. But I know Jesus can. I am in sorrow and just want Jesus in my life. I want him to be the leader. My works isnt going to get me to heaven, but Jesus will. I pray, and I pray. But...
  3. JacobVY

    Why do WE seek God/Jesus?

    From birth, I was born into a Christian family. As a child you dont understand and you just go on everyday playing with legos, sing "jesus loves me this I know" and pray ur nighty prayer before bed. That was it. I was baptized (around age 9-13) Attended church with family every sunday. So I was...
  4. JacobVY


    Hello, I am in need of information and prayer. These past couple months I been in deep confusion. God has saved me from near death experiences and so on. I feel as God has turned his ear away from me. I feel as God ignores me. I feel as everything I do is wrong and God is going to curse me. I...
  5. JacobVY

    Pressure on chest feeling

    I hope this is the right "Topic thread" for my situation. I have been in a cycle of repeated sinning and yesterday I got sick and tired of it and I prayed about it and confessed. Now though, I have this almost like pressure on my chest feeling. And when I try to read the bible its just bothering...
  6. JacobVY

    Pressure on chest / weight on shoulders feeling

    I hope this is the right "Topic thread" for my situation. I have been in a cycle of repeated sinning and yesterday I got sick and tired of it and I prayed about it and confessed. Now though, I have this almost like pressure on my chest feeling. And when I try to read the bible its just bothering...
  7. JacobVY

    Confused and in grief.

    Hello, Im 18 and I am a believer. Im struggling with pornography. Its almost like I cannot control myself. And the pleasure that comes with it, isn't worth it. I get hard on my self and keep thinking how stupid I am for falling for the same trap over, and over again. Its like a never ending...