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  1. Z

    Is there even an "..ism" known to Christians that's perfectly true?

    Amilllennialism, Premillennialism, Post millennialism, Pre-Tribulationism, Post-Tribulationism, Preterism .. etc etc. All "..isms" negate scripture somehwere along the line, because the moment someone believes that (any) "..ism is perfectly true" ( instead of believing that only biblical...
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    Futurist Only The Scroll of the Revelation - facts not seen at first

    Nobody ever sealed a blank scroll. A lot of people have made the mistake, though, of thinking that the seals are the scroll, or what's written in the scroll. A veil is not the article hidden under it. After the king's decree has been written in the scroll, the scroll is sealed until it becomes...
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    Preterists, Partial Preterists and Pre-tribulationists all conflate tribulation with God's wrath

    1. Preterists and Partial-Preterists have conflated the tribulation of the disciples of Jesus (Matthew 24:9-31) with God's wrath (Luke 21:23). 2. Likewise, Pre-tribulationsists have conflated the great tribulation with the wrath of God, albeit for a different reason. Referring to the judgement...
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    The latter Days: The type of the latter days

    Part II of this article is here Question: Why does Daniel Chapter 7 speak as though the latter days of the fourth kingdom is the latter-day kingdom that will be destroyed by Christ before the kingdom is handed over to the saints of the Most High? This post shows why. Firstly, notice that...
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    Futurist Only Calling God's wrath "the tribulation" is false

    Why is this important? Not getting the terminology right = not getting the eschatology right = more confusion than ever. "The tribulation" or "The (great) tribulation" is about the tribulation of the saints. Persecution of Jesus: John 5:16 Persecution of Christians: Matthew 5:10-12; John...
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    Daniel 9:26-27: What's it telling us?

    There is absolutely no biblical or valid reason to believe (as many Christians do) that the covenant spoken of in Daniel 9:24-27 (which speaks about the timing of the coming of the Messiah) is a covenant that would be made 1991+ years after the Messiah came, or to believe that it speaks of a...
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    Let us not lose sight of God's Purpose

    God's Purpose & the Kingdom of Christ Let us not lose sight of God's purpose The world, current events, every day life distracts us from God's purpose. Even Christian theology & eschatology can distract us from God's purpose (and to an extent they do, in the case of many believers). "And we...
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    At the forefront of Jesus' mind when He gave the Olivet Discourse

    THE OLIVET DISCOURSE Addressed to: The disciples of Jesus (Luke 21:8; Matthew 24:1; Mark 13:1-4). Subjects: (i) The coming destruction of the temple (Matthew 24:1-2; Mark 13:1-2; Luke 21:5-6). (ii) The coming of the Son of man (Matthew 24:3, 30, 36-39; Mark 13:26, 32, 35; Luke 21:27, 31...
  9. Z

    Which of these eschatology houses will get washed away suddenly?

    BACKGROUND: GREEK WORDS FOUND IN THE VERSES IN QUESTION: 05035 ταχύ tachý, takh-oo' neuter singular of 5036 (as adverb); shortly, i.e. without delay, soon, or (by surprise) suddenly, or (by implication, of ease) readily:--lightly, quickly. 05036 ταχύς tachýs, takh-oos' of uncertain affinity...
  10. Z

    Whose Resurrection Doctrine should we believe?

    Scroll down to beneath the image THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD This post and be viewed & downloaded in PDF, EPUB, Microsoft Word or Open Office Document format HERE (click) Agnosmillennialist signing on. "Agnosmillennialism" = (i) I don't know whether or not Revelation 20's thousand years...
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    What is "The Great tribulation"?

    New Testament mentions of persecution and tribulation Persecution: Of Jesus: John 5:16 Of Christians:- Matthew 5: 19 & 12; John 15:20; Acts 22:4; Acts 26:11; 1 Corinthians 4:12; 1 Corinthians 15:9; 2 Corinthians 4:9; Galatians 1: 13 & 23; Galatians 4:29; Galatians 5:11. Of the woman who gave...
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    The most important message in the Revelation

    I was battling to think of a title for this thread, and how to introduce it. So I just gave it a title (changed once), and a heading (deleted and replaced with the introduction paragraph below): The words "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches" are repeated seven...
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    Who are the tares?

    Just wanted to know what others think about the identity of the tares. Reading what I've quoted below should make it obvious that I believe the tares refer to those who are members of the invisible part of the church that is an harlot (not visible to us, but visible to God). I'm not going to...
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    The beginning and the end

    Please understand that this post is not about whether or not Satan was bound at the time of Calvary, or whether or not he will be re-released for his final short season at the close of this Age. This post is to show that Revelation chapters 12-13 are telling us about the beginning and the end...
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    Failing to recognize Metaphor in Apocalyptic/Prophetic literature

    The book of Revelation, as well as some other passages of scripture in the New Testament, often employs either the very same, or very similar metaphor which has been previously used in the Bible. Few Christians understand that much of the same metaphor that is used, for example, in some Old...
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    Failure to notice Markan Sandwiches and Metaphor

    A "Markan Sandwich" is a style which scholars noticed employed by Mark in his gospel. What very few realize is that the "Markan Sandwiches" employed by Mark in his gospel are nothing new: this same style found in the narrative in Mark's gospel is very often employed in biblical literature, and...
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    New Jerusalem vs Babylon the Great

    NEW JERUSALEM vs BABYLON THE GREAT AND THE TEMPLE THE MAN OF SIN WILL APPEAR IN It's important that we understand the following: * We are told that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places (compare Ephesians 1:20 with Ephesians 2:6). * We are told Christ entered into the heavenly...
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    This post is speculative, and if this post is long, it's only to make the reader aware of where my thinking on this is coming from. To make this post more clear to the reader, let me make it clear that although the way I understand Predestination is not Calvinist, I fall into the camp of what...
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    Elijah Questions

    I'm probably not going to comment on any answers anyone gives to these questions below, because together these six questions form one open (unanswered) question in my mind:- There are six questions listed below, based on the scriptures you see below: Malachi 4 5 Behold, I am sending you...
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    Who is "National Israel"?

    Who is "National Israel"? I've seen this term used in these boards as though "National Israel" refers to the genetic descendants of Abraham only, ie "the Jews" only. Deuteronomy 14:2 says, "For you are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a peculiar people to...