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  1. J

    Ammillennialism and Pretribulationism both fly against the Early Church

    Irenaeus, who was the disciple of Polycarp, who was the disciple of John, who wrote Revelation wrote in "Against Heresies" a premillennial view of eschatology, that had the Church put to flight by Antichrist (so incompatible with Pre-tribulationism), and took prophecy literally (including the...
  2. J

    Futurist Only Interesting take on 3 eclipses that were followed by meetings between US and Saudi about Israel

    Not really sure about this entirely but it is interesting that after these 3 Eclipses across the US, there was always a high level meeting with the Saudis about the Two State "Solution", and a 4th eclipse around the time of the fall feasts is going to happen which is also during the UN summit...
  3. J

    Well if this isn't a lump of really uncanny coincidences.

    Like, I can't make this assumption about this man as I mean, He professes and preaches Jesus Christ but.. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel an Assyrian Christian living in Australia and having an Assyrian Christian Church there, got attacked by a terrorist while livestreaming a sermon on April 15th...
  4. J

    Joel Richardson on Islamic Eschatology vs Christian Eschatology

    pretty interesting and I've noticed several of the antiparallels before myself.
  5. J

    Will we remember our sin?

    some scriptures that come to mind on this thought, which was triggered by someone saying they believe Jesus will bear His crucifixion scars for all eternity to remind us of the cost. But when presented this statement, the first thing that came to mind was Isaiah 65 a place of joy in the Lord...
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    "the Day of the Lord" and "the Thousand Years"

    2 Peter 3 and we know this is a reference to Psalm 90 but even this is a reference to something even older in scripture. Genesis 2 now we go to Genesis 5 People think in human reckoning, that Adam ate for the tree and lived hundreds of years after so God must have meant a spiritual death...
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    Isaiah 13, the Day of the Lord? or History?

    Now first, the chapter begins that this is the burden of Babylon, so the first thing people would think is this is about when the Persian Empire took over the Babylonians However Isaiah 13 contains several references to the Day of the Lord, including signs that Jesus gave during the Olivet...
  8. J

    "fearfully and 'wonderfully' made"?

    as a physically disabled person, an ugly, deformed physically disabled person at that, how can I see those words and believe them? I feel like I'm of such poor worksmanship that if I'm truly in the image of God, then it reflects badly on His abilities. Why would God create such an horrible...
  9. J

    The Last Trumpet: Short and to the point

    I've heard a lot of post trib point out "the last trump" from 1 Corinthians 15 and then claim it's Revelation 11's 7th trumpet but.... in multiple places in the bible it's God who blows the trumpet at His return, not an angel.
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    Futurist Only The pieces coming into play in Israel

    There are several moving parts surrounding Israel right now that are either extremely unlikely coincidences, or the hand of God moving pieces around to fit where He wants them. #1. Israeli Knesset has a rather substantial portion of its seats in control of very religious Jews, in the Shas...
  11. J

    Need to recover from Covid 19

    I'd appreciate any prayers for my recovery, so far symptoms are mild just a dry cough, body aches, a headache, with the only really significant symptom being a fever over 101 but I have been able to get it down to 99.5 degrees, but sometimes I have transient feelings of weakness/lethargy too.
  12. J

    Futurist Only Interesting symbolism for the UN's sustainable development goal summits

    Revelation 6 So Nelson Walters is making the argument that the bow in question here is a reference to the rainbow God displayed after Noah's flood, marking the covenant with the Earth, and he does have a point.. this is the stage for the UN's 2023 SDG summit: and the UN's symbol contains a...
  13. J

    Revelation 19/Armageddon is NOT the second coming.

    I know that it has been traditionally taught that it is by virtually all eschatalogical positions for hundreds if not thousands of years, but it simply does not fit the rest of the bible for how the second coming of Christ is said to go. Let's examine some scripture regarding the Day of the...
  14. J

    It's so difficult to find a non dispensational church...

    I just moved and now I'm having to look for a new church, there is a KJV independent fundamental baptist church literally 2 blocks away from me but.. as is common for protestant denomination churches they are dispensationalist pretribulationists. ever since meditating on Romans 11 for a...
  15. J

    Isaiah 65:23

    So.. in reading this previously, I had glossed over, and in fact now I realize that my preference for the King James Bible actually hindered me here. I didn't really understand this verse, and thought it was just about working, and it was curious that offspring was mentioned here. Here it is in...
  16. J

    Amillennialists have told me two conflicting things

    First thing Amillennialists have said to me that doesn't fit: Isaiah 2 is about this current age, not a future age, or they may say it's about the eternal state, I've heard both from Amillenialists. Isaiah 2 Now first off this can't be the eternal state, because as we'll see it conflicts with...
  17. J

    Where do people come up with Gog not being Antichrist?

    Ezekiel 38 I'm failing to see where God ever warned about a "penultimate dictator prior to the 7 year tribulation" that many people's view of Gog and Magog revolves around. I see warnings about just antichrist in particular. There is also the finality of the passage, Ezekiel 39: So...
  18. J

    Every time there's a chance of Aurora...

    It's really cloudy where I am.. I keep missing it. See lots of pictures from other locales around me where the skies were clear but.. never fails.. forecast strong chance of aurora.. sea of clouds above me all night.
  19. J

    If I Enoch was canon, it'd be the most Christ Centric book of the Old Testament

    and I wonder, because when the Church was picking which books to include in canon, for old testament they just accepted what the Jews had made canon, and the Jews established their canon bible after the 1st century, if the Jews had excluded Enoch BECAUSE it is so Christ Centric and equates...
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    God's sovereignty and the role of the Trinity in Genesis 1

    So, while most people acknowledge the Trinity in Genesis 1 through a few things: Genesis 1: and Which people will say is the Holy Spirit in the Trinity as opposed to God the Father and God the Son. But I think there's more than that. John 1 Hebrews 1 Colossians 1 So.. on a surface...