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  1. Windir

    Spiritual warfare prayer items

    Hi, Does anyone know a European online shop selling templar knights decor and other spiritual weapons? Here's a site from the US that exemplifies what I'm talking about: Unfortunately, shipping overseas is expensive, so I was thinking maybe someone provides...
  2. Windir

    I want to change my Muslim name

    I posted this in the forum for new Christians but I figured you orthodox folks might understand me better, especially if there are any Greeks in here. So I am a fairly new non-baptized Christian (by faith) and I have a deep urge to change my name to a Christian one. My current first name is...
  3. Windir

    I want to change my name

    Edit: thread posted in the orthodox section instead.
  4. Windir

    Intelligent design ≠ free will

    If God planned and created us through evolution, how can there be free will? It means our lives and progression as a species is entirely preconfigured by God, rather than random natural selection. Thus, every move we make is pre-calculated by a divine mind. Or is it that free will "emerged" with...
  5. Windir

    I'm trying to become a Christian but I can't

    I want to convert to Christianity but both internal and external circumstances are giving me a hard time. I have confessed Christ, and I do pray, but I lack the baptism. I'm yearning for the social and ritual part. I am still a 'heathen'. For all my life, I have been solitary. I have never felt...