Search results

  1. J Daniel

    How do I kill my idolisation of white women?

    Short and sweet. I have been battling this for long enough. Every time I see a white woman that is cute or above I think she is the cream of the crop. I want to exercise this demonic spirit from out of me because this is dangerous to keep fishing in another system's world of women. In this...
  2. J Daniel

    How is everybody doing on here?

    I HAVE NOT BEEN ON HERE FOR SO LONG! =O Hope everybody is doing well!!!!!!!!!
  3. J Daniel

    So I just had a second date with the woman from my church - what is the next step?

    We went out tonight to watch the new Joker film (really good film). I was holding her hand quite a bit during the film. As we was taking the taxi home (holding each other's hand) I did say *I am really having a strong liking for you* She laughed mildly in response saying *you barely known me...
  4. J Daniel

    I am going on a date tomorrow: what are the 3 major things not to do or say?

    So I am going on a date with a woman from church a met. We clicked pretty much right away. I was attracted to her; and I went to go get her! Feels like a while since I have been out - with a woman - what are the 3 majors things to not do or say? (barring the obvious things like touching etc etc).
  5. J Daniel

    What is your view of flirting in the church?

    I am in the process of joining my church. I have to go once a week for the induction phase. One woman I have been flirting with! When we hold hands in prayer I am rubbing her palms and fingers (and she does it back too make that clear). When we are sitting down I draw funny faces in my book...
  6. J Daniel

    Luke 9:62 proof that I am not heaven bound right now

    I have looked back too many times! I don't think God listens to my prayers anymore.........(which is worrying). I have sinned too many times - even God has his limits. Hebrews makes it clear about the misuse of Jesus' blood. Fact is this: I am a liar I am a thief I am a fornicator I have...
  7. J Daniel

    Something really funny happened to me on Tinder just now...

    I will delete the APP in a few weeks; I just like to look an see what is out there and laugh. Anyway - matched with some woman and I said to her *ALWAYS TRUST IN THE LORD* Her response was *I AM AN ATHEIST - JUST THOUGHT YOU LOOKED CUTE* Then further on she said she doesn't believe cos...
  8. J Daniel

    What are the best ways to follow the commandments?

    Jesus makes it clear that if we really love him we will keep the commandments. How do you keep the commandments in your daily busy lives?
  9. J Daniel

    What steps should be taken AFTER being baptised?

    For me there are a lot of things I will have to give up. Foul music. Certain dating sites. (Tinder).................. Lust (but acknowledging beauty is not a sin unless someone tells me otherwise!) Certain videos. Not to react in anger (remain calm at all times calm tone of voice). Not to use...
  10. J Daniel

    Who is your celebrity crush?

    I am curious....
  11. J Daniel

    Prayer request please (to overcome addiction)

    Thank you
  12. J Daniel

    Is it wise to be married to a smoker?

    Cigarettes Cannabis Whatever else out there. Cos that would be a deal breaker, in my view.
  13. J Daniel

    What would you say are the benefits of being a Christian?

    Regardless of denomination. Because if you believe scripture - it is clear in John 14:6 that tells you all you need to know.
  14. J Daniel

    What would you say are the benefits of being a Christian?

    Regardless of denomination. Because if you believe scripture - it is clear in John 14:6 that tells you all you need to know.
  15. J Daniel

    How do I stop caring about women constantly?

    I want to be like David Banner aka Bill Bixby(from the Incredible Hulk back in the 1970s). It was just him and only him riding solo not concerned about women. His purpose? Finding a cure! My purpose? Being SUPREMELY HAPPY ALONE! CONTENT! 1 Timothy 6:6 - speaks about content- I try to embody...
  16. J Daniel

    How do I live ONLY IN THE SPIRIT?

    Apparently, this will solve all my problems in life.
  17. J Daniel

    Is being attracted to the same ethnic-type, constantly, a sign of idolatry?

    Constantly being attracted to a certain group of women (believers or not) knowing full well that the grass is not necessarily greener on the other side. Thinking they are walking Gods when in reality they are just the same as everybody else. Sure you like what you like but is it not a sickness...
  18. J Daniel

    Do you wish you could just give Jesus Christ a hug?

    Just need it.......
  19. J Daniel

    How do you get rid of bad spirits and demonic thoughts from within?

    Sometimes I feel that I am beyond help at times........................ Times I have the right mentality and approach then other times my mind goes back to a past where I feel I would be able to handle business in a way that would satisfy me (though I know that would end in a train wreck)...
  20. J Daniel

    What was the reason for your divorce?

    Was both parties believers or was it more complex than that? Sometimes we think if both are evenly yoked all is good - but other problems are still there. I know people say divorce is like a constant death - (but if you got out of a situation that was horrible will more seem like a rebirth of...