Search results

  1. PeterJames0510

    Wanted Paragraph Christian RPG threads

    Hello. I have had success in these forums in the past finding someone who would like to play, through writing and prose, Christian role playing games. My name is Peter and I enjoy fantasy medieval or modern RPGs. I would love to do one about revival, one about the millennial reign of Christ, or...
  2. PeterJames0510

    What if I ...

    There's a beautiful song from Edward John called 'What if I ...' - I wonder what if we did what was in that song how much more beautiful Jesus would be to us because we would be like Him?
  3. PeterJames0510

    sister friendship craving

    For whatever reason, the craving for sister-friendship today is most strong. Nothing anyone can do about it, I simply recognize it and move on.
  4. PeterJames0510

    Lost Friendship

    Today I found out I would no longer have a connection with a friend that I met up on here. I respected her a great deal; if she ever reads this - please know that I totally respect your decision and wish you the best. But it seems - whenever I finally do find that one cool friend - they...
  5. PeterJames0510

    Time for a New Debate :)

    Which Annie do you like better? 1982? 1999? Or 2014?
  6. PeterJames0510

    My dream from Feb 15, 2021

    Good morning. A friend of mine recommended I share this dream with everyone; I honestly don't know what it means. I had thought it originally was simply a very vivid imagination dream meant to foster a new written story of some sort. Remember, I'm Baptist ... we don't interpret dreams past "it...
  7. PeterJames0510

    Christmas House Theme

    @Mayflower1 @Mayflower1 Good morning Mayflower, I hope you are doing well. I haven't heard from you in a while and hope that you and your family are doing well. Not 2 hours ago, I had a most fascinating dream that has stayed with me that I feel might make a good story. It is a Christmas dream...
  8. PeterJames0510

    Open Email

    Hello; if anyone on here feels especially lonely for any reason and want to talk privately (all godly Christian talk of course), please feel free to reach out to me through PM. May the Lord richly bless you this day. :)
  9. PeterJames0510

    Out of the Woods REMAKE?

    @Mayflower1 Good morning Mayflower. I told another friend about our RPGs, she is an RPGer too and a Christian. Not sure if she will join us though as she is busy with her own set of RPG games. I wanted to check in, I know you are extremely busy. Just wanted to know if you'd like to do any...
  10. PeterJames0510

    Lonely a little

    Feeling a bit, tad lonely this morning. Not sure why, everything is doing well in life. Sometimes I look for that BFF, though. There is nothing to be alarmed by in this post; hope you are all doing well in CF. :) Blessings
  11. PeterJames0510

    Prayers please

    Please pray for my purity and the purity of all. I want to live a pure holy life without duplicity. Thank you.
  12. PeterJames0510

    struggling need prayers and friends

    I am married, mid 40s, but struggling. My struggles are p addiction, and going on line talking to ungodly women. I've struggled since I was 14 years old. I have tried everything, Pure Life Ministries, stopping, etc. For some reason I get into a bad cycle. This is what the devil does to me: 1...
  13. PeterJames0510

    A Time of Grace and Healing from Addiction

    For those interested:
  14. PeterJames0510

    Unexpected Miracles ...

    "Why do you think I don't love you?" The phrase kept rolling through his mind. The dreams of the previous night were a little sketchy; but he thought he was hearing the Lord's voice. He probably was just crazy because his staunch conservative church would never teach that God could talk through...
  15. PeterJames0510

    NEW RPG ideas 02.28.20

    Greetings! I was thinking that I should like to RPG with someone based on one of the following scenarios: #1) 1x1 request: Left Behind #2 (in honor of the first one that was posted): Nominal individuals who aren't really saved get a wake up call when the Rapture occurs. Because I don't want to...
  16. PeterJames0510

    What do you think of this scenario?

    This is from a prominent 'reformed' Baptist minister's appreciation page. I don't agree with the sentiment, but I put it out there to see what any of you think. I also linked to the facebook page it comes from. “I don’t understand why Christians are so fuzzy in their thinking and practice...
  17. PeterJames0510

    Accountability partner

    Hello, If there is someone really struggling with online addiction, would there be anyone else on this forum who would be willing to be an accountability partner? Thank you - Peter James
  18. PeterJames0510


    Last night, my wife told me she is such a sucker because she stays with me even though I have porn addiction. I want to be rid of my addiction once and for all. But when I stop, there will be a huge vacuum and sense of loneliness. I always have loneliness anyways as I wish I had a sister; I...
  19. PeterJames0510

    Raise a Hallelujah

    You would have to know me to know that I'm an Indie Fundie Baptist and I worship and sing with only very strict, conservative hymns on piano. In my private life, I listen to many various versions of worship songs. This one I especially liked because the song was based on a healing in the life...
  20. PeterJames0510

    Sister-hole in my heart

    I have always had a 'sister-hole' in my heart; a longing and desire to have a sister for myself, someone to call my very own sister. The devil sometimes takes that desire and twists it the wrong way, so I have to be careful. Is this a psychological phenomenon that may be trauma in my soul? Or...