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  1. M

    Live Streamed Communion?

    I'm sure someone has asked this before, but... live streaming communion? Is that Biblical? I was taught that when we take communion Jesus is spiritually present with us at that time, but how would that work if we're all in our own homes? I mean, He is omnipresent but shouldn't there at least...
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    Identify This Book?

    When I was a kid we would borrow books from our church library all the time and one of our favorites was a kids book about the Good Shepherd parable. It was one of those hard "board books" made from cardboard or something and each page had cut away sections so that you could see bits of the...
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    Missing Glasses...

    I haven't been able to find my glasses for three days now. I have barely left my home (of course) so I can't believe that I haven't found them yet! It's very frustrating. I took them off before bed on Monday and almost always leave them in the bathroom. But I've looked everywhere, even...
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    At Home with the Gettys

    I noticed that Keith and Kristyn Getty of Getty Music have been putting up some videos of them singing with their kids while they're quarantined at home. Maybe some of you have seen them, but they really had me cracking up at how the kids are so obviously a handful. I can only imagine what life...
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    My Junk Drawer

    So I'm stuck at home like half the world right now, and I thought now would be a good time to do something with my literal junk drawer. It would be fun to make something out of the odds and ends I've accumulated but I thought maybe some creative geniuses out there could look at what I've got and...
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    Accuracy of Coronavirus Tests

    This is a question that has been bugging me, but how do we know that the current coronavirus tests are indicating a positive infection for COVID-19 and not also for the common cold or other virus in the same family? Initially they said it was hard to tell them apart because of their similar...
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    Overcoming the Sadness of Our Situation

    If I could identify one emotion that stands out that I feel the most from this whole pandemic thing it would be sadness. Even more than loneliness. I can go out and see people, but I can't get near them. It's like everyone has an invisible brick wall around them. I go to the store and I'm not...
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    Prayer Request and Gift Ideas for a Two Year Old

    So, I have a friend I've been trying to reach out to. I don't think he's a born-again Christian most likely, but we've had some good discussions and we've grown close. He and his girlfriend had a baby and they invited me to her birthday party this year. But I don't have any nieces or nephews of...
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    Prayers for Fewer Ups and Downs

    Hello! I just thought I'd stop by and ask for prayer for myself. I feel like lately my spiritual walk has been all over the map - a spiritual high one moment, falling into sin the next, struggling with inappropriate thoughts more than normal, kind of lackluster devotional times. Yet, my...
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    Anyone Know Theology and Spanish?

    A friend's father sometimes reposts verses from this woman's ministry's Facebook. I'm not Catholic, but my friend and his father are. I'm not sure if my friend is truly saved from certain observations and things said. I once asked him, "Do you do anything for Easter?" and he replied "It's just...
  11. M

    Prayers for My Protection

    Hello! So this is sort of a delicate matter to discuss online and I'm not entirely sure the things I do online is 100% private, as I will explain, but I really could use some prayer. So here we go. There are three main characters involved. I will refer to them as 1. Josh, 2. Sarah, and 3. Bob...
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    Caffeine and Mood Instability

    Hello! I've realized in the past year that I think I am intolerant of caffeine. I take a vitamin energy drink in the morning to get me going for work and it's useful because it has a ton of good things in it. However, it also has a lot of caffeine. In the past I noticed I'd get a headache after...
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    Magic Trick - How does it work?

    So I was looking at random things on eBay and I came across this very expensive thing called a ghost writer's box. I was reading the instructions, but it never says how the trick works. It seems as if it even expects the magician himself to be fooled...? Anyone have any idea how this trick is...
  14. M

    End of the Third Wheel

    So, I'm probably just very slow to learn things... But today I was feeling lonely about being single again. My best friend spent the day with his wife and baby and the neighbor and his wife were gone all day too. The thought occurred to me that they might have all been spending the day together...
  15. M

    Unbelievers Judging You for Life Before Salvation

    So this hasn't happened to me personally, since I was saved when I was a child... However, I work for a Christian family who hires a mixture of people - saved and unsaved. One day I overheard a conversation between two workers about our employers' lives before they were Christians. The one guy...
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    The Enigma of Silence

    I know someone who sometimes answers my comments or questions with silence and it confuses me as to how to interpret it. Maybe some of you could give some insight? 1. One day I asked this person if he would like to own the company he worked for someday and he just looked at me and said nothing...
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    Lamplighter Academy - Looks Pretty Interesting

    Hello! Today I received an email asking for support for a place called Lamplighter Academy. Apparently they need the rest of the money by July 30th. I am somewhat familiar with the ministry. They republish old Christian books and do Christian radio dramas. I had not heard of this academy...
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    Prayer for a Childhood Acquaintance - Someone You might Know

    I would like to request prayer for a kid I used to be in Sunday school with years ago. We didn't really talk much that I recall, since she was one grade above me, but we definitely interacted and I have clear memories of her singing and wondering why she sounded like a professional singer at...
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    A Storm in the Lost Sheep Parable

    So, I have often heard the Lost Sheep Parable taught as the shepherd wanted to find his lost lamb before a storm came and left the 99 behind to brave the weather and find the lost one. However, reading the parable, there is zero mention of an imminent storm... I've heard people use it as a...
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    Making Marriage Attractive Again?

    I've been single my whole life, though I have had transient crushes on various girls over the years (and vice versa). But nothing has come from any of it - no one made any moves, or the moves weren't recognized - mainly because I was just blind to it. All my life I've struggled to desire a...