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  1. Nick Moser

    The Source of All Evil

  2. Nick Moser

    Are Eastern Catholics and traditional Catholics Orthodox in denial [CONTROVERSIAL]

    I was talking to a traditional Catholic and they recognize the errors of Vatican 2. Byzantine / Eastern Catholics also see the error of Rome such as the filoque. Most of it seems to be over the simplifification of the liturgy by Rome. While l I do NOT harbor any animosity towards Catholics I...
  3. Nick Moser

    What Lent can teach us about Philippians 2:12-13 (Fear & Trembling)

    Because of Christ's sacrifice, we are to take hold of what God offers, accept His grace and work toward becoming mature in Christ. The concept expressed is the synergy between human effort and divine grace in the process of salvation. It emphasizes that humans play an active role in seeking and...
  4. Nick Moser

  5. Nick Moser

    Modernism vs Traditionalism in Orthodoxy

    On the 4th of October, 2023, a high-ranking member of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, affiliated with the Patriarchate of Constantinople, participated in the "Interfaith Harmony Day" at a grand Hindu temple in Robbinsville, New Jersey. This meeting, part of the festivities leading to...
  6. Nick Moser

    Future of Orthodoxy in America: Non-Chalcedonian Churches surge

    Perhaps it's most likely because of mass immigration from Ethiopia which is has the largest congregation of the Miaphysite Church.
  7. Nick Moser

    Orthodoxy on Time

    Dumitru Stăniloae’s illuminates time as a journey on which we may grow in response to the love that God offers us, a journey towards sharing in the eternity of the perfect, interpersonal communion of the Trinity. God, in His Incarnation, shares the journey with us in Christ, so that time enters...
  8. Nick Moser

    Are the creation days literal 24 hours? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God, Amen. Many viewers requested a video on the literality of the creation days in Genesis 1. But, to be completely honest, I am making this video as a concession as I understand that this is a standard follow-up question to the...
  9. Nick Moser


    Well I'm 26 but my parents are very strict. They won't let me drive out into the city which is an hour away and where the nearest Orthodox churches. I was thinking of going to the Nazarene Church or maybe even the Catholic Church. I'm not sure. What should I do
  10. Nick Moser

    Scholasticism in Orthodoxy

    Recently, I had an encounter with Mormon missionaries, and I felt compelled to engage in a conversation with them. After exchanging contact information, I took it upon myself to delve into the works of Peter Mogila and Philaret Drozdov in preparation for our next interaction. It intrigued me to...
  11. Nick Moser

    Mystery Of The Seven Churches

    The Messages to the Seven Churches are strident urgings to repentance—due to “things which must shortly come to pass”—as St John stresses three times in Revelations.
  12. Nick Moser

    Orthodox apologetics regarding the Oriental Orthodoxy

    Firstly I would like to ask about dietary restrictions. Besides fasting is there any dietary restriction such as pork or shellfish? The reason why I ask is because I seen passages from both Old and New Testament condemning both. I understand that some Oriental Orthodox Church restrict diet but...
  13. Nick Moser

    Four Reasons to Reject The Filioque Acording To St. Gregory Palamas.

    Fr. Chris Moody discuss the Filoque according to St. Gregory Palamas and traditional Christian theology.
  14. Nick Moser

    Defending Saint Nicholas the Royal Martyr

    I am arguing on a history forum about the holy Tsar. They claim that he was an incompetent, foreign, effeminate, and weak leader who refused to allow reform in the empire and acted as the head of the ROC as a kind of pope instead of the Russian patriarch (Most Holy Synod). Help me defend the...
  15. Nick Moser

    Do not be afraid.......... (Matt 1:20-21)

    "An Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit; for she will bear a son, and you will call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins!" - Matt...
  16. Nick Moser

    Ascetic life in the Siberian Winter

    Several orthodox nuns and monks on their own will left the civilization and move away to remote siberian mountains. They have no phones no connection to the entire world. If they get sick they can die... Near their house there are several graves of those who passed away during these years...
  17. Nick Moser

    On Spiritual Deception (prelest): Excepts of Fr. Seraphim Rose

    The concept of prelest, a key one in Orthodox ascetical teaching, is completely absent in the Protestant-Catholic world which produced the “charismatic” movement; and this fact explains why such an obvious deception can gain such a hold over nominally “Christian” circles, and also why a...
  18. Nick Moser

    Priest silenced for protesting the Pope on a visit to Greece

    Priest shouts "Pope you are a heretic!" The Police violently dragged the elderly priest away from the site. Pope Francis is currently visiting Greece and the Orthodox Church of Greece.
  19. Nick Moser

    America Without Abortion

    Of all the forms of divination condemned by the Church and rejected by our natural faculties of reason, logomancy is the most obviously absurd. Hobbes, the wittiest of English philosophers, tells us that words “are wise men’s counters, they do but reckon by them: but they are the money of...