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  1. disciple Clint


    Was Hunter making monthly payments of $49,910 to his father? On a home that is currently valued at $1,380,800 by real estate website with an estimated rental value of $7,612? And that means Hunter Biden was paying almost $50,000 a month “rent” while living in a home owned by his...
  2. disciple Clint

    White House Refuses to Address Arrests of Pro-Lifers

    President Joe Biden’s administration is refusing to address why it’s focusing efforts on arresting pro-life activists amid national outcry over dozens of attacks on pro-life centers and churches. At least 86 Catholic churches and 74 pregnancy resource centers and pro-life organizations have...
  3. disciple Clint

    More Joe Biden Malarkey

    In his remarks Wednesday, Biden said that the federal government would begin to replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve when the price per barrel of oil reaches $70. Former President Donald Trump tried to add 77 million barrels to the reserve in 2020 when oil went for about $20 per barrel, but...
  4. disciple Clint

    The FBI knew RussiaGate was a lie

    The FBI knew the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was utter bunk even as it suggested otherwise to Congress, the courts and the public early in 2017. Evidence revealed by special counsel John Durham proves it beyond dispute. At RealClearInvestigations, Paul Sperry lays out the case...
  5. disciple Clint

    Biden is no steward of fiscal responsibility

    The Biden administration’s first major initiative was to borrow more, ostensibly to fight the covid crisis, though the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan was well in excess of what was needed and filled with plenty of non-covid spending. Even if, as the administration argued, it was better to...
  6. disciple Clint

    Biden’s bill could cost more than $4 trillion

    A new budget model released by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business on Thursday projected the real cost of the spending package could be more than $4.26 trillion. Economists reached the figure by extending all of the programs proposed within the bill over the next 10...
  7. disciple Clint

    Biden's $5.2 million in undisclosed income

    " the president's financial filings reveal that he declared almost $7million more income on his tax returns than he did on his government transparency reports, an analysis by of the president's financial records shows. Some of that difference can be accounted for with salaries...
  8. disciple Clint


    "Later in his nightly address posted on social media, Zelensky thanked the UK and Johnson. "Boris was among those who didn't doubt for a minute whether to support Ukraine. The leadership of Great Britain in providing our country help in defense, and also leadership in the sanctions policy, will...
  9. disciple Clint

    lowest rating Biden has seen.

    President Joe Biden’s job approval ratings keep falling in his second year in the White House. Just 40% of Americans approve of the job that he is doing, an NBC News survey finds, the lowest rating Biden has seen in his presidency. Biden’s drop in approval comes as a large majority of Americans...
  10. disciple Clint

    Biden should learn and protect Taiwan

    “President Biden’s refusal to sanction Russia prior to their publicly known invasion of Ukraine, or to have a package of sanctions ready to sign the moment an invasion began, was a grave miscalculation. Biden should learn from this and take appropriate steps to protect Taiwan,” said Sen. Marsha...
  11. disciple Clint

    Biden says he ‘can’t do much’

    Biden says he ‘can’t do much’ He has more than proven his inability to do much. He can make excuses but the fact that energy prices were going up since the beginning of the Biden administration, well before the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not in doubt. Now instead of going to the energy...
  12. disciple Clint

    We will stand with you just as you stood with us, Biden said.

    "Experts say tens of thousands of other Afghans who should have been evacuated were instead stranded. Many are like Will, who directly assisted the U.S. government and were promised a ticket out of the country under the Special Immigrant Visa program. They are now struggling through an...
  13. disciple Clint

    Will We Honor Our Agreement With Ukraine

    "Just two months earlier in Moscow, Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk, along with President Bill Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin, signed a trilateral agreement, brokered by the U.S., to transfer all nuclear warheads to Russia for elimination. In return for becoming a nonnuclear...
  14. disciple Clint

    Can God Change

    Can God Change I have another one of those theological dilemmas for which I cannot seem to find a solution within my mental faculties to discern in a way that I find acceptable. The Word is God and became 100% man while remaining 100% God in His incarnation. He will remain fully God and full...
  15. disciple Clint

    Biden is dishonest on inflation causes

    “The reason for the inflation is the supply chains were cut off, meaning that the products, for example, automobiles — the lack of computer chips to be able to build those automobiles so they could function; they need those computer chips. They were not available,” Mr. Biden said. Mr. Rattner...
  16. disciple Clint


    "On Feb. 11, Elias’ Washington-based election law firm filed 2020 tax documents for BLMGNF, which claim that the group received no donations or gave out any grants despite raking in more than $65 million that year. “Taking advantage of filing extensions and changing its fiscal year is already...
  17. disciple Clint

    Democrats want candidate other than Biden

    "Most Democratic voters want the party to nominate someone other than President Biden to head the ticket in the 2024 election, according to a poll released Sunday. Among those who didn’t want Mr. Biden to seek reelection, the main reasons were that they didn’t believe he could win (35%); they...
  18. disciple Clint

    Democrats want Hillary Clinton investigated

    "Nearly three out of four of those polled who are following the story said they think it’s important prosecutors investigate Clinton for her role in the Russiagate scandal along with her top campaign advisers. That includes two-thirds — or 66 percent — of the Democrats polled who said they have...
  19. disciple Clint

    Biden Gets the Second Amendment Wrong Again

    "The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own," Biden said. "You couldn’t buy a cannon." "During the campaign, Biden made a similar claim about cannons in the Revolutionary War and who could own them. We...
  20. disciple Clint

    the worst foreign policy debacle since the Vietnam War.

    "The long-awaited hearing came just hours after a major report in The Atlantic magazine that claimed to offer new detail on how the administration was caught flat-footed by the rapidly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan in July and August, and by how quickly the insurgent Taliban would...