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  1. seekingmuch

    Female student files civil rights complaint over boy in girls’ locker room

    ‘I felt violated’: Female student files civil rights complaint over boy in girls’ locker room I knew this was going to happen eventually.
  2. seekingmuch

    800 years, up in smoke, Notre Dame Cathedral

    I don't think it is renovation, but arson. Apparently, desecrating churches is par for the course in France. Catholic churches have been desecrated across France—and officials don’t know why
  3. seekingmuch

    Intimacy without sex

    Is it possible? Honestly, if someone "gets me," sex ain't gonna be far behind. It's always been that way with me, even if it was another guy (all my male-male friends were sexual to some degree even if we didn't do it, so to speak). So, can you have intimacy without sex? And, since I...
  4. seekingmuch

    What did your dad teach you?

    Mine was an abusive jerk. What was a good dad like growing up? (If you had one)
  5. seekingmuch

    Pope Francis was covering Sex Abuse up, too

    French Cardinal Barbarin says pope refused his offer to resign over sex abuse case Pope Francis had a good start then he became part of the problem.
  6. seekingmuch

    Does your church have anything for Singles, 40s-50s?

    I'm just wondering if churches in America have groups for singles, 40s/50s. I know they have things for teens/20s and many have things for single, retired. But, all of the articles I've read online said there is little for singles, 30s-50s. It seems like we are the forgotten bunch. In my city...
  7. seekingmuch

    Rep. Ilhan Omar suggests Obama was a 'pretty face who got away with murder'

    Ilhan Omar suggests Obama was a 'pretty face who got away with murder' Hmmm... I wondered when Democrats where going to start turning on each other. I know, once the primary gets under way later this year, the candidates are going to start the mud-slinging fast and furious. I pretty much know...
  8. seekingmuch

    What are Connect Groups like?

    The one I might go to meets outside of church. Apparently, my Catholic Church has them, doesn't advertise them anywhere (it's not on their website even). I haven't been there in forever and wrote them about the lack of community, unless you're married, was why I quit (and I work most Sundays)...
  9. seekingmuch

    The GOP finally gets a spine...

    Good to see. The GOP should forget any other ad and run this one until the election in Nov. 2019.
  10. seekingmuch

    The problem with Bernie

    My gripe with him is simple: he wants socialism for us, but not for himself. If he did, why does he own three homes, one worth more than $1 million? Now, my girlfriend liked him, but can't stand him after he kowtowed to Hillary during the convention. She, like many Bernie fanatics, wanted him...
  11. seekingmuch

    What do Democrats see in Ocasio-Cortez?

    The news media loves and so do a lot of Democrats. But why? She recently cost NY $24.5 billion in tax revenue and 143,000 jobs over 10 years as her and others got Amazon to scuttle plans for HQ2 in Long Island City. Her Green Deal is a joke that would cost $53-93 trillion over 10 years. She's...
  12. seekingmuch

    Evangelical Christians... Their Time as a Major Political Force Is Coming

    Newsweek article: Evangelicals helped elect Trump, but their time as a major political force is coming to an end Newsweek, I'm sure, is gleeful over that headlines, but is it true? Yeah, it is somewhat true, but why? The somewhat true: actually, with the influx of Latinos in America, hate to...
  13. seekingmuch

    Can A.I. become Self-Aware as in Skynet?

    With the advent of robots being perfected and Alexa and Google Assistant, along with Siri, becoming so sophisticated, will artificial intelligence become self-aware one day? Facebook actually killed an A.I. experiment between two bots because the bots developed their own language to talk to each...
  14. seekingmuch

    Christian Groundhog Day Joke

    St. Peter is at the pearly gates and he sees three blondes approaching. He thinks, God, I gotta make it easy for them to get into heaven." He asked the first blonde, "To get into heaven, who was Noah?" 1st Blonde says, "He saw the burning bush and lead the people out of Egypt." "No, sorry...
  15. seekingmuch

    The #MeToo Movement Is Destroying Trust Between Men And Women "The sexual tension between men and women will always exist, and if women assume a man’s sexuality is a threat instead of a powerful complement to their own sexuality, they will always be on guard. In this...
  16. seekingmuch

    Emotional neglect and the aftermath

    "4. Consider whether you feel cut off from your emotions or empty inside. Feeling consistently numb or emotionless is one of the strongest indicators of childhood emotional neglect. When parents don’t provide emotional support and care, children receive the message that their emotions are not...
  17. seekingmuch

    Do you believe in soul mates?

    I'm 49 and never met mine. I feel like I never will.
  18. seekingmuch

    Do women like effeminate men?

    I'm very effeminate. My apartment looks like a woman lives there. A lot of people think I'm gay, and I'm not. I love fashion and watching fashion shows. I'd much rather read Vanity Fair than Sports Illustrated. Sports I could care less about. But, I've found women friend-zone us quite...
  19. seekingmuch

    Dream about preaching in church

    I was talking to God before taking a nap about some things and got this dream I was preaching in a church. The minister had me fill in for him. I told God I was interested in doing something in the church revolving around the beauties of sex. I was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking...
  20. seekingmuch

    What do you think of Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber?

    She's definitely a rebel.