Search results

  1. Amy-Rebekah

    Autism/ accessible service ideas

    hi guys, last Sunday I went to church and ended up with a thumping migraine due to the lights and noise etc but in my migraine medication state I had an idea. Many services are simply inaccessible for people with autism and other disabilities. I am wondering how I could make a service accessible...
  2. Amy-Rebekah

    Stuck between a rock and a hard place

    TRIGGER WARNING SEXUAL ASSULT. basically my church is very conservative and as a result expects women to be virgins and have hymens etc except they don’t know that prior to coming to the church I was raped multiple times by a friend and I have gynae issues which have resulted in scans...
  3. Amy-Rebekah

    Moral dilemma

    so today after 5 years I've finally been taken seriously by medics and have been offered the chance to get to the buttom of my gynae issues. She wants to do surgery which at best will give me 6-24 months remission from symptoms however she said I could opt for the mirena at the same time this is...
  4. Amy-Rebekah

    Running a 10k this weekend

    Hi, I'm due to be running my first 10k this weekend I know I've got to carb load the night before is there foods I should avoid (it's worth noting I take metformin for pcos (I'm so at risk of diabetes that they are doing it even though I've currently got no risk factors) ) and also breakfast on...
  5. Amy-Rebekah

    Well hello people

    I'm new on here and if you haven't guessed my name is Amy Rebekah (Rebecca) I prefer the biblical spelling but everyone calls me Amy. I've been a Christian since 2005-6 so a little while I've had my ups and downs but I'm finally finding my feet after my teenage years! I'm going to start...