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  1. Daydream Island

    When church starts to become a dreaded chore

    Hello and good day/evening, Since a little over a year ago, my sentiments towards going to church changed none for the better and it has worsened. I used to love going to church, or at least not mind it and most often end up loving it anyway. However, more and more, I dread it and leave in a...
  2. Daydream Island

    Some teachings on the Holy Spirit

    Hello, In the uploaded file, I am sharing my written notes during the preachings of my church about the Holy Spirit for anyone to enjoy ! It follows 3 main topics : -How to be encouraged by the Holy Spirit -How to be educated by the Holy Spirit -How to be equipped by the Holy Spirit & some...
  3. Daydream Island

    What does God say about his people wasting?

    Hi there, Does God not want/like us to waste food, time, money or other resources he has provided us? Why? And it's even better if you have some bible verse to back up your answer :). Thank you & God bless you.
  4. Daydream Island

    Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah

    Hello! Why is Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah? (and who is Judah) Thank you.
  5. Daydream Island

    Why do we ask God to bless our food?

    Hello ! Some Christians thank God for their meal before eating it, some may ask God to bless it.. Why? Is it in case there are diseases in it? Thank you !
  6. Daydream Island

    Is it okay to sing worship music in the shower ?

    Hi guys, Truth time: is there ever a place or time that worshiping God isn't appropriate? Like while showering? God bless you.
  7. Daydream Island

    Why do we bless our food ?

    Greetings to all, I would like to know, why certain people bless their food before eating it ? What purpose does it serve.. why do it ? Thank you for all answers :)
  8. Daydream Island

    How would you explain Grace ?

    Hello Dear All, I would like to better understand what grace is, I know it is a gift from God which is in no way attached to any good behaviour or merited by any works I do but, what purpose does it serve.. what is it really? Thank you :)