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  1. Dan Bert

    Dead Sea Scroll Parchments recently purchased from a private collection

    New DSS Parchments have come to light recently. Some of them are from Leviticus and in those parchments it Echoes the promises of GOD in Psalms 23 to them whom Christ is their Shepherd. The Lord is our Shepherd only to them who receive the promises. Those who make their life right will receive...
  2. Dan Bert

    Getting what we deserve.

    The answer is a little bit complicated. There are two laws we have to deal with, and they fall under the justice of God. The first is whatever we do to others either in good or evil is returned on our head. The Second law is like the first but is has an "interest rate" attached to it either for...
  3. Dan Bert

    The reason why Job had to suffer.

    The Story of Job is much mis-understood. The Narrator of the Story tells us without making it too obvious so that those who are asleep will continue to sleep. Job himself tells us why he suffered. - Here is the reason There is no fear in love. If one has perfect love it casteth out fear. Read...
  4. Dan Bert

    Faith and Religion

    A religion is a set of belief belonging to a particular denomination. Scripturally speaking ...Faith is the power to get things done. Faith is the power given to us to "overcome" the world. Understanding words as they are understood in heaven is the first step in breaking the chains that keep us...