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  1. FireHeart

    Dream of angelic armies?

    wrong forum my bad
  2. FireHeart

    Request for sleep and also to see the power of prayer

    While I believe in the power of prayer I have never seen it for myself or rather experienced it, I have had people pray for me but have not seen any change in anything. However this does not affect my trust in God I truly believe that a single prayer is like a blazing fire that reaches all the...
  3. FireHeart

    For those who know the hunger and thirst

    as a Christian do you know the hunger and thirst the scriptures speak of when it says Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled. For some faith and being a Christian is a way of life but there are those who for them it's a passion a fiery love and...
  4. FireHeart


    I personally have not felt lead to fast food wise and I respect those who fast to become closer to God however there is also another kind of fasting I wish for everyone to consider and that is the fasting of time. Everyday I am always seeking to know him more always craving to have more of him...
  5. FireHeart

    I need help to understand these strange things

    So a little back story of me and how all this came about you see even before I was saved I had a supernatural experience with God I was all alone in my room weeping and in desperation I called out to God saying God if you are really are real I need you to show me I need to know I am not all...
  6. FireHeart

    Discussion Is this dream prophetic?

    Hey guys I have been wondering about this dream all day, see last night as I was going to sleep and talking with God I said to him you know you haven't given me a rapture or end times dream in quite a while have you? Then I had a dream I was in an area near my old house and I was walking with my...
  7. FireHeart

    My one Prayer

    My one prayer is that God would light a fire in the hearts of his children filling them all with the deep love and hunger for him and in doing so loving all others as he does not limited to to any lengths or any cost now and also for Christmas
  8. FireHeart

    Pre-Trib Only Another dream of the rapture?

    So I have had many dreams and visions of the rapture more than I can count but I haven't had one a very long time and I was fine with this I knew that if in fact God wanted to give me one he would however I don't want one just to have it I want to have one only for God's will. Well last night I...
  9. FireHeart

    The holy spirit and the power of God

    So you know the songs that speak of the power of God and that he lives in us and you know the scriptures that speak of how because of he who lives in us we can move mountains simply by commanding it to do so but do you ever see this actually happening? I don't know why but on my walk this...
  10. FireHeart

    My decision may change a persons life but need help

    Ok so there is a man named Daniel that lives in our house so to speak, he is mooch he doesn't do anything and has shown signs of possibly hurting the family,however Chris his dad who is the head of the house hold doesn't want him to leave but my mom is terrified Daniel will hurt her and others...
  11. FireHeart

    Prep Prep Prep and Prep some more

    I personally do not prep for the upcoming troubling times ahead of us but I also do not judge anyone who does and if and when the apocalypse or say sudden destruction all over happens assuming that the stuff horded is not completely destroyed they will be the ones giving food and supplies to...
  12. FireHeart

    Supernatural experince of holiness? or.....

    So yesterday something happened to me that greatly affected me. See one of the ways I connect with God and spend time with him is to lay in bed be still and simply be with him. Well I was laying there and was talking to God like I normally do and I was very tired both physically and spiritually...
  13. FireHeart

    Discussion How relevant is Fire to God and to a believer?

    Fire has always been a major part of me and faith and relationship with God. It began when I read the bible for the first time and was dumb enough to begin with revelations lol. however I read about Jesus having fiery eyes and the second I did I was suddenly overwhelmed as if those eyes were...
  14. FireHeart

    About the bible

    So I have been unable to have a bible for a long time, and I could read the bible online but firstly my eyes get strained secondly it's not the same as holding the heart of God in your hands. I do not see the bible as a book I see it as God's heart. See when I first became saved I read the bible...
  15. FireHeart

    Need wise advice for being able to raise money for less of these

    Ok so I know of a group of children who a Christian is helping to manage take care of educate and bring to Christ. I told him I would be happy to help I said I could buy some of the stuff they need when I asked him what they needed he said They need books, bags, blankets, food, and other study...
  16. FireHeart

    I need Godly advice on a girl

    So there is a girl who wanted to commit suicide I had talked her out of it by being kind to her and encouraging her,, but now she has a huge crush on me and wants to date me but I already have a girlfriend. Plus I don't believe she actually has a crush on me I believe that she thinks she does...
  17. FireHeart

    Desperately seeking help from those with gift of healing

    I am not gonna lie I need a lot of healing for sure but my urgent request is for a dear friend of mine Charity Callaway. She is always not feeling good and is almost always in pain she takes pain meds so strong that they make her loopy like she is drunk she has had painful shots in her hip bone...
  18. FireHeart

    Numerology and the end times

    So I used to be pretty big into numerology. I know that God uses numbers like 3 and 7 12 and such and each one has a specific meaning to it. Well when I was obsessed with youtube I was taught how seeing specific numbers everywhere could be God warning us of something and I saw four specific sets...
  19. FireHeart

    The Praise forum

    I was so excited to see a praise report forum a place to give praise to God for all he has done. But I saw how inactive it is and that kind of made me sad. Not only do people not post it in often but I see many threads here with zero replies but lots of views. I would think that God's spirit...
  20. FireHeart

    My Lifes Testimony( warning gruesome not for the faint of heart)

    I guess it begins when I was with my mom and dad, as a young kid as long as I could remember they were always abusive and starved me severely. I was always hungry and I was treated like a slave, I did all sorts of chores and for no reason at all they would hurt me. I had to clean the carpet with...