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  1. Givemeareason

    The difference between Liberals and Conservatives

    Sounds like the differences are even genetic. This explains a lot. "That conservatives respond much more rapidly to threatening and aversive stimuli (for instance, images of “a very large spider on the face of a frightened person, a dazed individual with a bloody face, and an open wound with...
  2. Givemeareason

    Probability of Origin of Life by Chance just went way UP.

    A habitable planet has been discovered a mere 1400 light years away. Considering our tiny galaxy spans a 100,000 light years but still has a hundred billion stars this indicates a dramatic increase in the likely number of habitable planets. Our galaxy may be full of them. If life originates...
  3. Givemeareason

    Creationists explain the origin of oil? Oil pulled from 20,000 feet deep and even from the bottom of the ocean was all put there by the Great Flood according to YECs. That flood was evidently so great it must have even washed the oceans away to get all that organic material...
  4. Givemeareason

    Do Creationists Believe in the Universe

    I started to wonder if Creationists even believe in the universe since I know they argue against the Big Bang. Since there was no concept of the universe when Genesis was written I am wondering if they also deny the universe in order to retain the earth centered view of all existence...
  5. Givemeareason

    Why were the Disciples So Faithless?

    This has been a question that has plagued me all my life. Why after all the miracles (calming a storm, walking on water, raising Lazurus, etc., etc) would have the disciples had any doubt of Jesus being the Son of God? Why would Peter have had all of his doubts? Jesus even told them of his...
  6. Givemeareason

    Biblical Creationism and Self Deceit

    The Bible warns of self deception. "We live in a world full of lies, and deceit comes from many sources. There are lying spirits who lead astray (1 Timothy 4:1); there are “evildoers and impostors” looking for dupes (2 Timothy 3:13); and, perhaps most insidious, we have ourselves to deal with...
  7. Givemeareason

    The Myth of Catholic Irrationality

    Just attended Catholic mass and was really impressed. Accordingly my first concerns have been where is the church today. I have been wondering where they stand on the pervasive issues posed by fundamentalists and creationism and have delightfully found them to be opposed to it. Hence I found...
  8. Givemeareason

    What Say Ye, Creationists & Fundamentalists?

    The Vatican rejects creationism The Catholic Church champions the cause of Charles Darwin. By Lakshmi Chaudhry / AlterNet I know we progressives aren't too fond of the Catholic Church, but let's give credit where it's due. The Vatican today struck a blow for reason by soundly rejecting...
  9. Givemeareason

    Life at Conception is un-Christian

    Does anybody remember when the Southern Baptist Convention was pro-choice? Up to Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority at least.. See the idea of life beginning at conception is nowhere in the Bible. Now I imagine verses are being used to support it now but in the old testament an induced...
  10. Givemeareason

    Genesis Creation OR THIS?

    How can anyone accept the Genesis creation story as a scientific basis to argue creation after watching this? v=udAL48P5NJU
  11. Givemeareason

    Regarding the recent 13 year old suicide.

    I have been thinking about this young girl who committed suicide and has been all over the news lately. There is all sorts of discussion on it. My feeling is this. The father supposedly cut the girls hair off because she had supposedly engaged in promiscuous online behavior. Some people are...
  12. Givemeareason

    Is it worth it to take the chance of Hell?

    Is it worth it to take the chance of going to hell? Someone asked me that the other day so it started me to think. Here's what it boils down to. Old testament = Fear the Lord = Obey the Lord New testament = Love the Lord = Spread the love Can people fear and love the Lord at the same time?
  13. Givemeareason

    Can I be Christian and Not Believe the Bible?

    As of right now, I have decided to become Christian. The reason I can be this is because I believe the message of Jesus was a wondrous and beautiful message indeed. And I would like to follow it. So as a Christian, my first goal is to understand Jesus more than ever before. Is that not what...