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  1. LizaMarie


  2. LizaMarie

    Prayer for anxiety.

    Please pray for me as I am going through some anxiety and sleep issues right now. Please pray that I will find peace and I know God loves me but I need to get out of this cycle of anxiety. I have been to see a doctor, may have to take meds, don' want to but if it helps my quality of life I will...
  3. LizaMarie

    Thoughts of next pet.

    We have a wonderful cat that will be 18 in 2 months. She is in good shape for her age, indoor only, still goes up and down stairs and quality of life and health is good. I'm thinking maybe she could live to be 20 or beyond. She's been the family pet, watched my kids move out, and she is very...
  4. LizaMarie

    Artificial Wombs I find this very disturbing and I'm opposed to it. I can understand using them in the case of a premature baby, if possible. But the article cheerily...
  5. LizaMarie

    Statement of LCMS on Dobbs decision

    LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison addresses SCOTUS decision
  6. LizaMarie

    Statement of LCMS on Supreme Court Ruling

    . Moving this thread to appropriate forum
  7. LizaMarie

    Wels Statement on June 24 Supreme Court Ruling. WELS statement on Roe v. Wade ruling – WELS
  8. LizaMarie

    Bilocation, stigmata and other Saints miracles

    I know that in the Catholic Church there are saints that have had the ability to bi-locate(Padre Pio, Sr. Faustina,etc) and also those who had the stigmata and were able to exist on only the elements of the Eucharist for months or years. Are there accounts of the same things in Orthodoxy? I...
  9. LizaMarie

    Rod Dreher

    Does anyone here follow him? I started following him when his book "The Benedict Option."came out. I liked the book, and started to read his blog on a regular bases around 2017 or 2018 when I started following Journey to Orthodoxy. I read with interest his conversion from Roman Catholicism to...
  10. LizaMarie

    In the Lutheran Church, who may administer the Sacraments?

    This came up in my mind during COVID lockdowns. I believe that in the RCC and Eastern Orthodoxy, only the Priest may administer communion or maybe consecrate it and let deacons distribute it? How about the Lutheran Church? We are different than other Protestant denominations in that we believe...
  11. LizaMarie

    Who is the Church? According to Lutheranism.

    I agree with a poster up in the Anglican section who has said that the "Traditional Church."is the Roman, Orthodox and Lutheran/Reformed. These are churches where the gospel is preached and the sacraments rightly administered. And this is what I still believe, and why it is hard for me to...
  12. LizaMarie


    Many of my FB friends that are evangelicals and several that even go to my church are all of a sudden sharing FB posts on the Enneagram. I have not said anything to them but I'm very suspicious of the Enneagram as I used to be involved in New Age/Occult, etc, back in the late 70's and through...
  13. LizaMarie

    Weekly communion

    I think I already know the answer to this but do the Episcopal/Anglican Churches have weekly Eucharist/communion? And do they believe in the Real Presence? Is this belief similar to the Lutheran belief of real presence or closer to the Catholic Transubstantion?
  14. LizaMarie

    Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future

    I'm putting this here for better visibility. Is this book by Fr. Seraphim Rose a good book? I've been looking for another Christian defense against the occult, charismania and the New Age, and I've been thinking about buying this. I have some family that are caught up in New Age thinking, and...
  15. LizaMarie

    The Papacy as viewed by Eastern Orthodoxy.

    I know that in the Lutheran confessions they view the Pope, or maybe I should say the office of the papacy as the Antichrist. I never learned this growing up in a LCMS church-they don't trumpet it at all but Luther believed it, and it's in the Confessions. I do NOT believe that doctirine even...
  16. LizaMarie

    Protestant Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy:Questions.

    1. What made you consider Eastern Orthodoxy? 2. Were there any EO teachings that you struggled with? Still Struggle with? 3. Did you have an EO parish near you? Did you have to travel? 4. Why did you choose the EO church over Roman Catholicism? 5. Were you rebaptized or just chrismated? 6...
  17. LizaMarie

    Orthodox interpretation of John 6?

    Is the Eastern Orthodox interpretation of John 6: 50-58 the Same as the Roman Catholic? When I was studying the RCC my understanding is their interpretation of this passage is that it is Eucharistic, i.e. Jesus is literally making a description of eating his real flesh and blood and that if you...
  18. LizaMarie

    Will the Eastern Orthodox ever ordain women to the priesthood?

    As a Protestant, this has been huge controversy in various Protestant denominations, take your pick. The conservative fundamentalist churches will only ordain men as per passages in Scripture that women should not teach or speak over men in church(My church holds to this) However, most mainline...
  19. LizaMarie

    Will the Eastern Orthodox ever ordain women to the priesthood?

    As a Protestant, this has been huge controversy in various Protestant denominations, take your pick. The conservative fundamentalist churches will only ordain men as per passages in Scripture that women should not teach or speak over men in church(My church holds to this) However, most mainline...