Search results

  1. grandvizier1006

    How do I evangelize to my parents?

    I was raised in the church, but sometime after I got into college my parents stopped going to church. I think this was for two reasons: 1) They claimed the pastor at the nearest one we went to "talked about the same thing over and over". Apparently he emphasized God loving us "too much". Sounds...
  2. grandvizier1006

    Various Bible questions

    It's been quite a while since I've been here, and I'm finding that my life has gotten a bit better. I quit porn back in April and am proud of how long I've been clean. I'm spending my time more wisely. I still have some questions about the Bible, though, and unfortunately the people in my church...
  3. grandvizier1006

    My sexual orientation is eating away at my faith

    Although I've dealt with this for most of my life (since adolescence when I first developed sexual feelings), for some reason right now my same-sex attractions have been figuring prominently in my mind. I'm atttracted to both sexes (so "bisexual", except I don't know if it's right for a...
  4. grandvizier1006

    Sources arguing for Arminianism?

    I'm at a crossroads in my life where I am having to pick between Presbyterians and Nazarenes and which church to go to. As a result, I have to come to understand whether I believe in Calvinism or Arminianism, or maybe Molinism, which is more or less a third option that I think warrants...
  5. grandvizier1006

    Is my reasoning behind being a Christian wrong?

    I've had lots of thoughts, typically of an intrusive, OCD-like nature, to leave the faith. I don't really want to do that. But thoughts like "Maybe God's not real", "Maybe Jesus didn't resurrect", "Maybe I'm hurting myself psychologically by following this" sometimes pop up in my head...
  6. grandvizier1006

    Is it possible for me to lose my salvation by accident?

    For background, I was raised in a Presbyterian church. So I grew up with the understanding that salvation could not be lost, and that God's grace covered our sins, provided, of course, that we didn't keep on sinning. And if someone seemed to be a Christian but later fell away, then there were...
  7. grandvizier1006

    How do I take a stand against homosexuality when I'm a hypocrite?

    Another June has come and gone, and with it the recent designation of "Pride month", where all the corporations change their logos to rainbow colors to try and pander to gay people (and at this point most people aren't interested in fake pandering). But the month does serve as a time to be...
  8. grandvizier1006

    How do I know when it's time to switch churches?

    I'm in a bit of a pickle in terms of choosing between two churches and need some advice on when I should feel sure about leaving or staying at my current church. My current church is a small, store-front church. It's LOUD, and every song is set up like a rock concert, with amps and whatnot. I...
  9. grandvizier1006

    How do I overcome anxiety about "truly" being saved?

    For some background, I have OCD, an anxiety disorder that sometimes causes me to have obsessive thoughts about something that most people may not give much thought to. This can also cause compulsions or practices, hence the "compulsions" aspect. A common issue for Christians with OCD is...
  10. grandvizier1006

    Which is better, to shut out all potential conflict or speak the truth in love?

    For some background, I have an anxiety disorder, so I spend a lot of my time worrying and fretting when I don't need to be. With that said, this pandemic is starting to get to me psychologically and making me dread the future when it's over. Things were fine during the month of spring, when it...
  11. grandvizier1006

    How do I know if I am being compelled by the Holy Spirit to do something?

    I'm a rational, facts-oriented person. I try not to have an emotional bias in certain issues. I was also raised Presbyterian (PCA), and in the churches I grew up in the Holy Spirit simply wasn't talked about much or elaborated upon. Now I'm in a church with a different denomination and I am...
  12. grandvizier1006

    Thank you to Michie for sharing so many articles!

    I couldn't reach your profile or send you a private message due to how you've limited your profile, so this was the only way I know of to reach you. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing so many articles! I'm not a Catholic and I don't know if I agree with most Catholic doctrines, but I do...
  13. grandvizier1006

    A very peculiarly-shaped ancient church’s baptismal fountain

    Hopefully this won’t offend anybody but it could be considered shocking. I personally find it very affirming and welcoming of women, the female body, and female sexuality—a very stark contrast from later ages of the church that (at times) devalued women or assigned them only a few roles while...
  14. grandvizier1006

    Will God Forgive Me for Putting My Pet to Sleep?

    My cat is fifteen years old and I love her very much. She's such a sweet cat that doesn't ask for much other than love, food, water and places to sleep. I know that she's approaching the end of her life, even though right now she doesn't show any signs of it. Eventually, my family will have to...
  15. grandvizier1006

    How do you deal with people with weird priorities?

    My mom (an NT) has one personality trait that really irritates me sometimes. She seems to have this unnecessarily high concern for what is socially appropriate and what "looks nice" to the point where she may stubbornly say I can't or shouldn't do something because it appears (to her) to be...
  16. grandvizier1006

    What is the point of infant baptism?

    I understand that many denominations (including the one I was raised in) do infant baptism. I was baptism as a baby, too. But to me, I feel like doing this is a little bit pointless. I have several reasons. One is that it doesn't affect a person's salvation or relationship with Christ. In the...
  17. grandvizier1006

    I feel like a hypocrite and it scares me

    I graduated college back in December. For the past few months I've been sitting around doing very little and I understand that I need a job. I have issues with being lazy, porn, etc. All typical stuff young men my age have issues with when they have too much free time. I've been having trouble...
  18. grandvizier1006

    What are you all prepping for?

    I am non-Prepper. The only one I know is my grandmother, a very old woman who obsesses over the "end times" without ever really explaining what she's concerned about it. We moved her into a retirement home so she can't horde stuff (most of her "stock" wasn't essentials like food). I ask this...
  19. grandvizier1006

    Racist thoughts

    For background, I'm a 22 year old white male college student in Mississippi. I'll be home soon since the year is ending soon, but for now I need help dealing with some lingering effects of living in very aggravating conditions. Basically, I have had to live for a year in a very low-quality...
  20. grandvizier1006

    Terrorist bombing in St. Petersburg

    Russia terror attack: 11 killed in St Petersburg bombing | Daily Mail Online A few things to consider: The suspect is a Muslim. He is from Kazakhstan and "looks white". Terror attacks outside the West tend to have much less coverage other than the Kenya mall shooting. I remember making a...