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  1. phydaux

    Bible study helps

    Not sure where else to post this, so I posted it here. The three main bible study helps are a concordance, a bible handbook, and a bible dictionary. Leaving this question of concordance aside, what is your favorite bible handbook and your favorite bible dictionary?
  2. phydaux

    Biblical Counseling Foundation

    Does anyone use BCF materials as part of their pastoral counseling? Of as part of their discipleship training or pastoral training? I went through their courses several years ago. I'm wondering how popular they are today.
  3. phydaux

    Learn the Bible in 24 Hours

    I just picked up Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours. I went for the audio book version, which I got from, although I'll probably pick up the paper book soon. Only 4 hours in to the Old Testament, but so far it is everything I remember and love from listening to Chuck's...
  4. phydaux

    Am I disqualified forever?

    So back in the early '90s I went to bible school with the idea that I was going to be a pastor some day. I was very active in my network of non-denominational churches, serving in every way and at every opportunity I could find. While in bible school I met a girl. I was very open with her...
  5. phydaux

    Does any one know...

    OK, I have LITERALLY been using this screen name everywhere on the internet for over 20 years. Does anyone here know where I got it from? Blessings donated to the first person who posts the right answer. Here's a hint - Google will NOT help you. :)
  6. phydaux

    Full time ministers - Do you use CRM software?

    At a young age, many years ago, I got involved in running a martial arts studio. The owner set me up as the "chief instructor" at a new school a few towns over. And he gave me a few simple instructions: On the first day of every month, I was to write down the names of all the "regular"...
  7. phydaux

    Mom finds teen daughter's vibro, dad asks me for advice

    I teach a home bible study, so that seems to have made me a "church elder." Enough so that a friend of mine from the the bible study came to me for advice for dealing with his wife & daughter. My friend and his wife both attend my bible study. They have a teen daughter, about 14/15. She...
  8. phydaux

    Watchman Nee

    For some reason I feel like I'm gonna get a TON of flack over this, but here goes: Can anyone recommend a good book by Watchman Nee? Sort of as a starting point for his writings?
  9. phydaux

    Cell Group: New group starting tonight

    Hey all! Soliciting prayers for a new Cell Group starting tonight. Our network is launching a new local congregation in my town. This cell group will be the first of hopefully many, and will be made up from most of the local leadership team. The first meeting will be tonight. In...
  10. phydaux

    Theological perspective of commentaries

    I just wanted to confirm that the theological perspective of these commentaries in, in fact, reformed before I bought them: Matthew Henry Commentary Jamieson, Fausset and Brown's Commentary Matthew Poole Commentary Thanks!
  11. phydaux

    House Church people - Who does your weddings?

    I have a question for those of you involved in the House Church movement - if two members of the House Church want to get married, who performs the wedding? Do you have a judge or a JP do it? Does one of the elders jump through the hoops and "get ordained?" Or have one of the elders...
  12. phydaux

    "lifting" sermons

    No, not uplifting sermons. Lifting them. Say there's a famous preacher, and he has a few really great messages. Is it OK for a young preacher to lift the outline points, scripture references, and examples, and preach the messages himself? Maybe a whole series of messages? Not...
  13. phydaux

    Anyone here from a Willow Creek-style church?

    Is anyone here from a Willow Creek-style church? I'm from a Calvary Chapel background, but there is a Willow Creek-style church opening in my town and I'm kinda getting involved on the ground floor. The church campus is opening in March, but local home fellowships are kicking off in January...
  14. phydaux

    Body of Divinity - What is it?

    I have heard the phrase Body of Divinity used. Sometimes I see it as Body of Practical Divinity, as opposed to Body of Doctrinal Divinity. I am wondering exactly what it refers to. I assume from context that it's more then just systematic theology?
  15. phydaux

    Called of God? Resources for pastoral ministry

    Greetings! I've been reading over this sub-forum. I see threads from many young men (and a few like me, not so young anymore, and some women too :)) who are feeling the calling of God into full time ministry. Bless you, one and all! Perhaps this is just my own cantankerousness, but I feel...
  16. phydaux

    Got a few extra dollars, how best to "invest in myself?"

    I'm a home bible study teacher. I love teaching, and I love that having to do a lesson every week keeps me accountable to stay in the word and "study to show myself approved." I have a fairly exhaustive library of reference books & commentaries that I've accumulated over the years. Also I...
  17. phydaux

    Two witnesses - "celebrate by sending each other gifts"

    I know I can't be the first to have this idea, but might we guess that perhaps the two witnesses are killed over the Christmas holiday? I also know that not everyone is Pre-Trib. Please lets limit this thread to people who are.
  18. phydaux

    House Church leaders - Do you "prepare a message?"

    I have a question for House Church leadership: Do you guys prepare a message in advance? In the Cell Groups I have been involved in, the idea was to use the Cell Groups as both a prayer meeting and a Bible study. Normally either I will choose a book of the bible or, ideally, the group...
  19. phydaux

    Does Amillennialism contradict the Apostle's Creed?

    Amillennialism says there will be no Millennial Kingdom. The Apostle's Creed says "He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His Kingdom will have no end." So does amillennialism contradict the Apostle's Creed? As I type this I'm thinking that, perhaps...
  20. phydaux

    Cell Group - Who decides what to teach?

    For those of you who lead Cell Groups that are part of a larger local church organisation, I have a question for you. How often do you meet, and who decides what gets taught in your home group? I have been part of some congregations, and the pastors only wanted home groups to meet once a...