Search results

  1. Lenny3

    Why Christianity?

    I grew up in an evangelical household and was very religious as a child. One of the main reasons I left the faith is the realization that there are other religions and even at a young age I knew that they couldn't all be right. So my question is: Why are you a Christian and not a Muslim...
  2. Lenny3

    If God Told You ...

    If God told you to kill your child, would you do it? 1 - Yes. 2 - No. 3 - I'd call a person of higher order in my church first. 4 - I'd call a psychiatrist first.
  3. Lenny3


    How can I unlock the Arcade?
  4. Lenny3

    What Did God Do Before Creating The Universe?

    According to the Bible, God created the universe. If he had to create it, that means there was no universe before doing so. If God is eternal, what was he doing before he decided to create the universe?
  5. Lenny3

    Is the Arcade Closed?

    I see that there is an arcade games link, but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?
  6. Lenny3

    Hello Everyone

    Hello, I've been a viewer of this forum for a while and finally decided to join up. I look forward to great discussions!