Search results

  1. JojotheBeloved

    Prayer Request

    Just submitting a prayer request that has been on my heart. My husband has been struggling with several issues that are all tied together in a way, and he's gotten to a point where he's very frustrated because he feels like he's not getting anywhere. Like Paul said, he feels like he does what he...
  2. JojotheBeloved

    Is there anybody here?

    Are there any CF friends out there who actually identify as a Progressive Adventist? I feel like this forum has become an exact replica of the traditional Adventist forum. I love my church family members, whatever their viewpoint. But I'm feeling a little lonely in my perspective. Anybody out there?
  3. JojotheBeloved

    Pray for our struggle with alcohol

    My husband drinks. He isn't diagnosed as an addict, but it's a problem for us and he doesn't want to continue the behavior. It's undercutting his personal weight loss and health and mental stability goals. I try my best to help him any way I can, but it's a struggle both of us need to commit to...
  4. JojotheBeloved

    Prayer for Peace

    Recently I have been struggling with a lot of pent up anxiety. I would like to pray and ask prayer for peace of mind. I feel like I'm going to explode most of my waking hours and my chest and shoulders feel achy and heavy all the time. I need the feeling to stop and to be able to trust God's...
  5. JojotheBeloved

    Prayer for newlyweds Please

    My husband and I just signed papers for our new apartment home. It's our first home together. Due to where we work and where our families are we ended up choosing to live in a more expensive area. We do have some positive things on our horizon - my husband has been promised a raise and medical...
  6. JojotheBeloved

    Requested Prayer

    My husband and I just signed papers for our new apartment home. It's our first home together. Due to where we work and where our families are we ended up choosing to live in a more expensive area. We do have some positive things on our horizon - my husband has been promised a raise and medical...
  7. JojotheBeloved

    An Interesting Read
  8. JojotheBeloved

    Pre-Marital Counseling

    1. Did you and your spouse participate in pre-marital counseling? 2. Do you and/or your spouse consider that counseling to have been helpful in your marriage relationship? There is no wrong answer. Just wondering what people's experiences have been. :)
  9. JojotheBeloved

    Just want to say hi

    hello married cf people's. I've been interested and following some of your conversations here for a while, but got frustrated because I couldn't join the discussion until I was married. Well, guess what, I'm married now and so I just wanted to say hi. :)
  10. JojotheBeloved

    Prayers Answered

    A little while ago I posted in one of the prayer request forums about traveling safety and a point of tension between a friend of mine and myself. I am very happy to report both were answered positively. We made it safely to our travel destination with few upsets in our travel plans. Nothing was...
  11. JojotheBeloved

    Prayer for Travel

    Any prayers for safety and sanity during a very long distance road trip would be greatly appreciated. Also pray everything fits in the car. Thank you.
  12. JojotheBeloved

    Help, Please?

    It's only a month and a half until my wedding day. We have nearly everything lined up to go... except food/reception prep helpers. I have one woman who has agreed to be the director for that portion of the event, but at this point she doesn't have anybody to direct. My parents have not been...
  13. JojotheBeloved

    Prayer for a Job Opportunity

    I just sent off a resume and cover letter to apply for a position as a youth minister in my denomination. I've done everything I know how to present myself well and seize an opportunity. I've also prayed about it myself. I could really use some more prayers though. It's in God's hands, and I...
  14. JojotheBeloved

    Job Application Prayer

    I just sent off a resume and cover letter to apply for a position as a youth minister. I've done everything I know how to present myself well and seize an opportunity. I've also prayed about it myself. I could really use some more prayers though. It's in God's hands, and I know He will take care...
  15. JojotheBeloved

    Prayers to Provide

    Please pray for God's provision for me and my fiance. I am struggling to save money necessary to move and for our wedding. My parents are helping pay for the wedding, but they have money troubles too and won't be able to pay for most things until the month before the wedding is scheduled to...
  16. JojotheBeloved

    Wedding Stress

    Hello.... I think I've developed some kind of acid re-flux reaction from the stress of wedding planning and moving etc. I haven't been able to eat normally for the past 4 days. Taking tums helps for a little while, and then I need to take more or the upset stomach and esophagus comes back. I...
  17. JojotheBeloved

    Just gotta sing praises

    I've just got to sing God's praises and brag on my man too for a minute. Feel free to ignore me, if you wish. I just couldn't contain myself. :D God is soooooooo good!!! He is sooooooo faithful in His promises to us and in His blessings! This past week a lot of really good ministry stuff has...
  18. JojotheBeloved


    Preface to the topic posed for discussion: Please be kind. It is difficult for me to write about this subject as it is painful for me. However, I need to heal and I have felt impressed to share and ask for help here. Please let this be a safe space. It would be much appreciated. Topic posed...
  19. JojotheBeloved

    Questions for Senior Ministers

    I have several questions for those who lead the churches. Let's say hypothetically that you have an associate minister working with you at your church. 1. What might you expect or appreciate from that person in regards to full-time ministry work as a part of your church team? 2. What balances...
  20. JojotheBeloved

    My Turn...

    Although I'm not always sure that posting articles and videos and various other materials for the purpose of convincing others is helpful... I guess it's my turn to take a potentially unhelpful stab at sharing a message that I found very powerful. My desire is to assist my Adventist church...