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  1. JGiddings

    Methodist yet not in the UMC?

    Hi all. The church I joined recently was a UMC church but broke away due to issues of stance on certain subjects. It was called Sardis UMC now it's just Sardis Church. It was a purely contemporary worship UMC church. It still is contemporary. We took communion and it was just like how a UMC...
  2. JGiddings

    Lent seems to be catching on

    It seems that people are celebrating Lent more and more in non Catholic churches. Personally I think it's wonderful because of what it represents. For those that don't know basically it is a time of preparation of the heart. It is a time for us To prepare ourselves For the resurrection of our...
  3. JGiddings

    Nicene Creed: Biblical or not?

    It is. Read it. Tell me what's not biblical about it line for line. I'll start us off. We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. First line. a profession of faith, all info in it is biblical.
  4. JGiddings

    duplicate post...ingore

  5. JGiddings

    The Holy Spirit moving

    I have a question. It seems that the movement of the Holy Spirit is well sought after in Pentecostal circles. Do you all think that He doesn't move in say a calm traditional Church? What does spirit filled mean? Is not a bible believing, non-denom church spirit filled without the gifts of the...
  6. JGiddings

    "Watchman" Nee

    :doh: Here is a list of things from a watchmen group disowning him: 1) Nee outlines no method of Bible study and interpretation and appears to deny evangelical hermeneutics. In his book Spiritual Authority, he sets himself and his elders up as the unquestionable authorities. By all...
  7. JGiddings

    Adam AND an Old Earth

    Ok Adam was the first man. Eve the first woman. The earth can still be old. Here is v1 of Genesis: Genesis 1:1-10 New Living Translation (NLT) The Account of Creation 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.[a] 2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the...
  8. JGiddings

    Animals who love

    What a touching moment from God's wonderful creation. Who says animals can't feel. - The moment a giraffe 'says goodbye' to a dying zoo worker
  9. JGiddings

    Perpetual virginity of Mary

    It seems some people do not believe that and think that she Joseph had kids. Church Fathers pre Catholic, Lutherans, some Presbyterians, Methodist, and Episcopalians all believe that she remained a virgin. How can all these faith groups be wrong? Any thoughts? Make them biblical please backed...
  10. JGiddings


    I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. All that matters! Peter and Paul (1981) ending - YouTube
  11. JGiddings

    Good songs

    Post 'em. :) Tobymac City On Our Knees - YouTube
  12. JGiddings

    Atheists out of control!!!

    Just read this...I have no words. Atheists want iconic 17-foot cross removed from 9/11 museum | Fox News
  13. JGiddings

    Please Pray for the CAR.

    It seems that after years of murderous persecution from Muslims in the Central African Republic the Christians there are retaliating in the most horrendous way! Christians killing Muslims with machetes. It's scary! Neighbors killing their Muslim neighbors. It's indiscriminate violence, just...
  14. JGiddings

    The Prosperity Gospel? (Moved from WOF forum)

    I know this subject has probably been talked to death. I have a question though. I see that prosperity teaching is not just associated with Word of Faith churches. Many denominations teach it. I want to know that you guys who are against it think about how it's affecting your churches...
  15. JGiddings

    I am SICK AND TIRED of militant atheists!!!

    Grieving California mom takes down cross on road after group’s protest, more appear | Fox News Pray for me, my anger is at an all time high right now. I am so glad the woman in this article has so much support from fellow Christians.
  16. JGiddings

    Studying Christian Heresies

    This subject has always fascinated me. Not sure why though. Perhaps God is pushing me to learn more about the historic issues within various Christian groups/churches. Christian heresies are many. Through studying such errors as arianism, gnosticism, modalism, and pelagianism, Christians can...
  17. JGiddings

    Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost

    The terms to me mean the same. I like Holy Ghost due to the fact that it is a more literal meaning to the third person of the Trinity. We live in a culture where being “spiritual” is increasingly popular and increasingly vague. In English, “spirit” has always had a vague meaning and this is...
  18. JGiddings

    Allegory in the Bible

    I believe there is plenty of allegory in the Bible. Especially the first part of Genesis and the entire book of Revelation. I do not disagree with the creation of man and how it came about, I dismiss the idea preached today that the earth is only 6,000 years old . "In the beginning..." follows...
  19. JGiddings

    Premillennial, Postmillennial, Amillennial

    I am a propenent of Amillennialism. Amillennialism (Greek: a- "no" + millennialism) is the view in Christian eschatology which states that Christ is presently reigning through the Church, and that the "1000 years" of Revelation 20:1-6 is a metaphorical reference to the present church age which...
  20. JGiddings

    Duplicate post

    Please post in the other thread this is a duplicate. sorry.