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  1. M

    HE Whispers Daily

    God Whispers yt.wmv - YouTube
  2. M

    Great Quotes

    "Any manipulation of the Scriptures to make them speak peace to the natural man is evil and can only lead to ruin." - A. W. Tozer "At any point in all of Eternity, we can say, 'This is just the beginning.' How wonderful for those who are with Christ. How unimaginably dreadful for those...
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    What is Real and what is Fake?

    Do we hear HIS warnings? “Oh My Children, Come out of her, MY people that you may not partake of her plagues!” “Come out of her, MY people, and be ye separate. I will be your God and you will be MY people!” Do we hear HIM for the third time: “Come out of her, MY people that you not...
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    Dreams and Visions and Deception

    I am not writing this to condemn anyone, but many need to be aware of the traps that snare the Body of Christ and deceive the innocent. If we are aware that Satan deceived Eliphaz into thinking he (Satan) was God, applying his (Satan’s) words to Job that God had nothing to do with. And as...
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    The Fireball of Faith that Equips Us into Action

    How many times have we attended a Fireball Seminar at another church, doing the real stuff, believing that the saints are being equipped, and at the end of it all you feel so fired up, that nothing can stop you? You enjoy the fellowship with other members of our church and other churches, who...
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    HEALING ALWAYS COME False or True 2014

    “And these signs shall follow them that believe...they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:17-18) I was reading back through my writings I made twenty years ago, March 1994. As I lay in bed, after awakening, I was meditating and listening to rain tumbling down. As...
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    The sensitive seeking friendly Church 10 years later

    Early in 2000, there was much discussion of the “sensitive-seeker-friendly” churches, and I have wondered how far they have established themself in other churches through subtle means. Lately I have noticed some of the Spirit-filled churches seem to have slipped into as being one of ease and...