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  1. olds8598

    Enough is Enough

    Below is a very interesting view (and one which I personally agree with) concerning divorce. It is from Dena Johnson Ministries (another Christian site which helps me with my Christian walk). Author Gary Thomas wrote a book, Sacred Marriage, in which he states marriage was designed to make us...
  2. olds8598

    Merry Christmas

    I just wanted to wish everyone here a Merry, Christmas and Happy Holidays!:clap:
  3. olds8598

    I believe I have the answer to my question, “Why my marriage, God?”

    Today I listened to a sermon from my senior pastor entitled When You Don’t Understand. It had to do with when you question God about how/where He's leading you, and why bad things happen. When I heard the title and the beginning which included Psalm 22, I felt this was tailor-made for me. Lately...
  4. olds8598

    Update, Grateful and Repay

    This Tuesday I start a new job in my favorite industry. Last time I was doing the profession I am excellent at, it was January 2011 when I was downsized. This loss of work and the continued inability to find a new job began my personal descent into Hell which featured the unexpected and unwanted...
  5. olds8598

    Destroying Marriage Certificate

    Has anyone ever destroyed their marriage certificate? :scratch: Yesterday I was looking for my original social security card as I need it for Day 1 of my new job (this Tuesday). It was in a large envelope which I knew also contained my 2001 marriage license. 2012-2014 I would semi-jokingly act...
  6. olds8598

    Ex-wife wants to meet

    It has been a while since I have been here. Greetings to everyone :wave:. I'm hoping to get helpful advice. Last night I got a snail-mailed letter from my ex-wife. Today is 21 years my mother has passed. As I was getting the key for the mailbox, I jokingly said I would drop down dead if I got a...
  7. olds8598

    Gobble gobble

    Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! :wave:
  8. olds8598

    You know you're over your divorce...

    ...when you can remember happy moments from the marriage and you don't cry or miss them. You just accept them for what they are: a pleasant memory. My ex used to have an amusing habit of saying an animal looked like someone we knew. She would see X animal and call out a person's name; this was...
  9. olds8598

    Happy Holidays

    Happy Easter to everyone here on the forum. Be happy for the Lord is risen! :amen:
  10. olds8598

    I can't believe I am doing this!

    I am in the middle of writing a letter to my ex-wife to let her know I have overcome a negativity she saw me personally suffer with while we were married...and that I forgive her, her brother and his wife. :eek: For those who don't know, in 2012 my former brother-in-law and his wife reneged on...
  11. olds8598


    Here's to everyone on the forum having a better and happier new year. God bless! :thumbsup:
  12. olds8598

    The Reason for the Season

    As Christians, we all know the real Reason for the Season. May the love and power of the Lord's birth heal, strengthen, and help us in our lives and recovery. Here's wishing everyone a Merry, Blessed Christmas and a Happy, Better New Year. :wave:
  13. olds8598

    Gobble, gobble

    Wishing everyone here a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. :wave:
  14. olds8598

    ? for those who went to a therapist

    Did you experience drama from the therapist about changing your appointment? I have experienced this twice with my current counselor and with the therapist I almost started working with but dropped because she would offer times I couldn't make which she knew because I had told her my work...
  15. olds8598

    9/11, Marriage & Divorce

    I just finished watching two 9/11 specials on NatGeo. I cried at the end of the second. I was working on Wall Street that day. I was married just three months. I brought with me in a gym bag my wedding photo album. I had stopped off to get a hair cut before work and to show my barber the...
  16. olds8598

    What I am learning, and God's timing (or sense of humor?)

    The dysthymia I have had since 1998 has reared its ugly head. I know it is a cumulative effect of the past two years of my life which were negatively highlighted by almost getting evicted while at the same time my ex-wife sided with her family in their betrayal of me, and wanting a divorce...
  17. olds8598

    Just a vent

    My boss unexpectedly gave me the afternoon off today :clap: (because I work one day on the weekend). I wanted it to be productive time, so I decided to continue cleaning and remodeling my apartment. I am doing it a little at a time. I chose several batches of papers and folders to filter...
  18. olds8598

    Unexpected and Unwanted Rain On My Parade

    I was starting to include this topic in my previous post and it actually should be its own thread. I have to admit it sucks that the joy of getting out of a very disliked job into a better one is getting "rained" on by feeling mad and sad that I cannot share this victory with my ex wife the...
  19. olds8598

    Did you ever feel like you were going to run into or hear from your ex again?

    Next month will be two years since my wife said she wanted a divorce. The judgement came in August 2013. Ever since that April 2012, I have always felt and believed I would run into or hear from her again. For the first few months after her announcement, this feeling was in the hope of saving...
  20. olds8598

    Using divorce in job interviews, and mentioning you

    I have been interviewing to get a new job. In two recent and separate interviews with two separate companies I was asked to describe a situation I had to overcome and how did I do it. I responded with my divorce. It is the most profound, most current, and the first-thing-that-comes-to-mind...